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ECR 2001 Pics

Now this is a beautiful sunrise-I however was still sleeping...heehee! Pic provided by the early riser-Theresa!

Another beautiful sunrise courtesy of DC Jen.

Playing on the beach at surise-Laura, Amy DC, Theresa, Beth, Lil' Jen & Sid. Pic provided by DC Jen.

What a beautiful sunset!

Some trees along the boardwalk.

Riding a beach bike on the boardwalk. Pic provided by DC Jen.

Resting on the boardwalk. Pic provided by DC Jen.

DC Jen & Gail

Here's Theresa

A group pic

Amy DC is zooming in. Pic provided by DC Jen.

A closer group pic.

Sid, Rhi & Theresa hanging out on the castle.

Amy DC & DC Jen.

Beth joins Amy DC & DC Jen.

More Pics!