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ECR 2001 Pics

DC Jen & Sid at the Inn. Pic provided by Theresa.

Beth, Lil' Jen & Sid. Pic provided by DC Jen.

Dinner at the Lighthouse was delicious. Pic provided by DC Jen.

Jamie was the first to try the "Bull"

Jamie and Rhi shaking their bootys.

Theresa & DC Jen. Pic provided by Theresa.

Doing the electric slide.

Michelle was doing some mighty fine two stepping.

Theresa & Sid-what is that you are holding:-) Pic provided by Theresa.

Beth conqers the bull. Pic provided by DC Jen.

Tina, Jamie & Michelle. Tina joined us at Desperados-Tina is a friend of mine from-as she says-back in the day.

Are we singing a song?

Sid was taping and Lil' Jen & Theresa were chatting.

Beth, Rhi & Lil' Jen. Pic provided by DC Jen.

What was the name of that song???

DC Jen & Michelle have the same drink. Pic provided by DC Jen.

Michelle was looking like a real cowgirl in that cowboy hat.

Now was that the same hat Michelle just had on? Pic provided by DC Jen.

The security guy gives Rhi some advice. Pic provided by DC Jen.

Rhi is riding the bull.

Rhi looks like she knows what she is doing.

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