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Welcome to the Henderson Family Page.

My name is George Henderson.The lovely lady
beside me is my wife of 50 years
this November,Barbara(or Sue as I have
always called her).We have been blessed
with four wonderful Children and six
grandchildren and four step-grandchildren.
We lost one grandchild in 1981.
Sue and I are originally from
Rome,Georgia.We moved to Hollywood,
Florida in 1959,where I was a jet
engine mechanic for Eastern Airlines and
Sue worked for Southern Bell.I retired
in 1987 and we moved to Knoxville,TN
in 1990.Sue retired from Bell South in
1991.The purpose of this site is for
me to let my children and grandchildren know how
extremely proud we are of their accomplishments
and also ,hopefully,our grandchildren will see
the advantages of pursuing their education.
My biggest regret is that I did not stress the
importance of college to my kids.If I had,
maybe they would not have had to work so
hard as adults.

The Henderson family page would not be
complete without a picture of "Angie" our
lhaso apso.She is how I handle the
empty nest syndrome.I spoil her
something terrible.Our kids and grandkids call
her the "queen of the house".She has
me trained, rather than my having her

Oldrebel fish tales.

Please visit my woodwork site

Middletons Fish Camp,Blue Cypress Lake

Our Blue Cypress Trip

My Navy Site.