
Donna,our oldest,was born while I was in the navy.
In fact Sue gave birth as my ship was
going through the Panama Canal. Donna was a
very good student in school, which explains how
she did so well later in college.

She is now Senior Manager for a major
technology company.

What I find so remarkable about her, is that not too many
years ago,she was an assembly line worker taking
telephones apart.When the company moved, she opted to
not transfer with the company.

She went to work as a part time ticket agent for an airline.
Using her pass privileges,she flew to Atlanta
and applied for a job as a secretary for the
technology company.She was hired and gradually advanced
in the company.

At this time she was raising her daughter alone.

After moving to Atlanta,she married her husband,Don.
Don has two children ,Justin and Dannielle
by a previous marriage. He is a very
successful sales representative for a large marketing

While working full time and raising her
daughter, Donna attended night college
classes and received her B.A. and M.A.Degrees
and also graduated cum laude.

Don is a top notch salesman for a national company.
One of Don and Donnas loves is skiing in Utah.
They usually go every year.

"Graduating Cum Laude."

This was such a proud moment for Sue and I.
We knew the effort that Donna had put into
getting her degree.Her company knew it also for she
has been rewarded with several promotions.

"Another Promotion"

Effective 1 April,2000,Donnas new title will
be,Senior Manager-Re-engineering Systems & Processes.She will be based in Atlanta
working with her people in South America,
including, Brazil and also Mexico. This is a big step up for her and her mother
and I am thrilled for her.