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Your Journey Begins here...

FootPrints to Success

Welcome to Footprints to Success. A web site dedicated to the Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Group.

Every month new people come to our group seeking answers to their questions regarding surgery to correct obesity. Some of these answers are very hard to hear.

After all, for years people who have no idea what it is like to be extremely overweight have beaten us all up.

There is but one place you can go where the people in the group will not judge you for the size you are. I am referring to our monthly Bariatric Support Group meetings. We will not judge you, we will not make fun of you, we will listen eagerly to your suggestion, comments and remarks. But if you ask a question be prepared for the answer. We DO NOT sugar coat answers to spare feelings!

That would be the worst thing we could do for you. We, the post-op patients, feel very strongly about what this surgery has meant to us and how it has changed our lives. Scares, hair loss and mood swings are slight annoyances compared to weighing 300, 400 or 600lbs.

Ask your questions, make your statements, no question is a wrong one but remember the answers will be hard hitting and TRUTHFUL. They are never meant to hurt or discourage anyone from making the decision to have surgery. However, we want the pre-op people to know exactly what is involved and to think. Think about what they are going to do and what they are about to leave behind. Learn from us, take the information that we have and process it ALL

Good and Bad. Determine what is important to you and make an informed decision for YOU. We all care about each other and that is so obvious at each group meeting.

The hugs, the words of encouragement, the smiles and the applause as you are victorious over what has dragged you down and drowned you for years. But wear thick skin, for as I said we are honest and open in our group and nothing is ever, ever said to be hurtful.

Good luck to all and see you at the next group meeting.

Shonna Luten-Fleming: Webmaster / Deborah Sutton: Editor

Georgia, USA

To contact us:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

To change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference