Galkie's Printable "Fonts" Reference

I don't know how many times I have wanted a special "Font" for one of my projects and wished I had a printout of such.
It was a rainy day and I had time on my hands so another of life's little "Nats" bites the dust.

With My Compliments... John Galkiewicz

Note:  Some of these fonts have had to be resized from a size 12 so they would fit.
To Print: Set your margins (L&R) to .20" and the list should print out correctly.

 Arial and Times New Roman are the two most prefer for "Official" letters



    Ariel...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Ariel Black...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Ariel Narrow...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
   Book Antique...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Bookman Old Style...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Bookshelf Symbol 7...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...123456789<>    
     CAC Camelot...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890

CAC Champagne...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Futura Casual...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Futura Casual Bold...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Futura Casual Bold Italic...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Futura Casual Med Italic...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Krazy Legs...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Krazy Legs Bold...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Lasko Condensed...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Lasko Even Weight...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Leslie...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Logo Alternate...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Moose...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Norm Heavy...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC One Seventy...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Pinafore...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Saxon Bold...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Shishoni Brush...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
CAC Valiant...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Cananeo BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Century Gothic...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
ColleenB Two...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Comic Sans MS...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Courier...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Courier New...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Domcasual BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Estrangelo Edessa...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Fixedsys...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Franklin Gothic Med...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Franklin Gothic T Dem Com...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
    Freehand575 BT
...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Garamond...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Georgia...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
GoudyOLST BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Haettenschweiler...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Impact...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Informal011 BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Kartika...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Latha...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Lucida Console...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Lucida Sans Unicode...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Lydian CSV BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
MS Reference Sans Serif...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
MS Sans Serif...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
MS Serif...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
MV Boli...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Mangal...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Mattantique BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Microsoft Sans Serif...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Modern...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Monotype Corsiva...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Palatino Linotype...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Raavi...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Roman...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Script...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Shruti...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Small Fonts...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Snell BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Sprocket BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Swis721 BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Swis721 MD BT...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Sylfaen...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
System...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Tahoma...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Terminal...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Times New Roman...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Trebuchet MS...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Tunga...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890
Verdana...This is an example of this font for your use...ABCDEFG...1234567890