Hi! Here you'll find out a little  about me, As if theres much to know. Hope I don't bore you to much, I'm not that interesting of a person. Here you'll probably find junk on me, the things I like and collect.  Enjoy!
Little Ole Me  & My Message
My names Jean , I'm a Single 24 year old living in Athens Ga.. I am also some what of a poet. This is my second attempt at a web page without the aid a bunch of people aiding me. Gotta love this from scratch bit! There's just
so much love and joy one can put into something..  Also you may find some works from friends and other writers, Of  course I'll be giving due credit to all..
Don't wanna get in trouble or make ya'll think I'm the writer of some great piece when I'm still trying. . I wanna thank everyone for helping me out with my poetry, My web pages  and my life.. also anyone who donated for the pics and help .. and if you find any of your art work here or have a problem with anything please email and let me know.. I've collected a lot of things over the years, and whelp I've lost a few notes on who things belong to.. so if you know please let me know! :O)  I wish to give credit where its due!...
Thanks for spending a little time here.. Hrrm for those who wanna know a little something about me, As I said above I am a wanna be poet, I love reading writing just about anything. I also enjoy music .. I can stand just
about any of it. I also enjoy nature.. and simply watching old movies. I am almost always on the internet, I've been role playing there for almost four or five years now.
When I learn how to do it, I'll add links to my fav places so you all can check them out. I also wanna show off the great work they've put into their web pages. I've a love for roses.. and my fav colors are midnight blue, peach and and most wines though I love the pale shade.
I'm a fan of any good movie, Though I don't often get out to see them, Though I do tend to run up big bills on my movie rental store *Grin*. I run a writers chan on efnet for well you guessed it! Writers *Wink* but we welcome friends and writers, Even Role players.. Whelp that's all for now,
Till someone comes up with some other question to ask, So I'll simply say thanks for visiting!
Things I like..
Roses (Peach, Orange & Lavender Rule)
Teddy Bears
 Friends (The truer the better)
Spending time outside
Wandering the world (a dream)
Life (A cherished object:)

 Rose petals upon the wind,
Rain drops upon skin.
Tender words whispered in the night,
And the brush of a lovers hand.
Friendship through trails,
And trust beyond all doubt.
Love with out judgment,
And fear.
These are a few of my favorite things. :O)