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undefined Almost Kidnapped


Today was her seventeenth birthday, but she was not in a celebratory mood. Today she would also bury her parents. They had left Thursday afternoon for a long weekend in Colorado. It would have been a short three hour drive, if they had made it. She received the call Friday afternoon. She had just walked in from a long day at school. When she walked in, she checked the answering machine. There were about twenty messages total. The first message was from her parents.

They both said hello, everything was great, Steamboat Springs was beautiful. Before the message ended her mother said to check the iron, she thought she might have left it on. Kitlyn went ahead and erased it. From a Sergeant Michael Kinder, there were eight. He asked her to call back and left a phone number of where he could be reached. He left no other reason why he was calling, only that it was very urgent.

The rest of the calls were just your everyday calls, so she deleted them and dialed Sergeant Kinder’s number. He answered after three rings, “Sergeant Kinder, how may I help you?”

“Yes Sergeant Kinder, this is Kitlyn Damien. I just got your messages…” Kitlyn was cut off.

“Miss Damien, I have some bad news for you. Are you sitting down m’am?”

Kitlyn sat then told him yes. There was a pause, then he continued slowly. “I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Your parents were here in Steamboat Springs…What I mean is they are here,” he stumbled on, “There has been a terrible accident. Your parents were in a car accident, hit head on. They both died instantly. I am sorry ma’am, we need you to come and identify their bodies.”

From there on everything till now was a blur. She had gone and brought her parents back, now she was making their funeral arrangements. She had been sitting with the funeral director when the news actually hit her. She was all alone, her parents gone and her grandparents passing two years ago. What would she do?

At the funeral, everyone that had known her and her parents was there. There were people who Kitlyn didn’t know or was to young to remember them. They all were sad and crying, but Kitlyn shed no tears. She was unable to. She greeted each person, received hugs, and condolences. Many brought her flowers and food. The preacher stood and gave their eulogy. It was long and heart-felt, Kitlyn had written the whole thing yesterday. Yet, she felt like an outsider looking in.

The preacher drove her home. On the way, he asked her if there was anything he could do for her. She only shook her head, she just wanted to sleep. When she got out, he reached out his hand to her; he told her if she did need something, to call him.

Kitlyn had three days left before graduation. She was to start Bear Valley College this fall. She was going to write, be a journalist. Now all of her dreams were gone, in the blink of an eye. What would she do now?

When she walked in the door at home, she wandered around the empty house. She had no plans, nothing pressing to do. She walked slowly upstairs to her room. Once there she sat at her desk and took out paper and pen. She began to write. About what she did not know, she just wrote. On and on, page after page until finally sleep overcame her senses and she fell into a fitful sleep.

Kitlyn woke to the sound of a hammer. How could she have forgotten!? Her parents had planned to remodel the kitchen and have everything brought up to date. The repair work started today. She slowly stood up and stretched. She then went to her bathroom for a quick shower. When she finished, she dressed quickly in black jeans and a black shirt (which were both a little tight, but were her colors of mourning).

When she walked into the kitchen, all work stopped. The men all looked over her body appreciatively, then turned back to their work. “Good morning Mrs. Damien,” the man in charge said, “I hope we did not disturb you. Your husband asked us to get an early start.”

“No you didn’t bother me, I had just forgotten that you would be here,” Kitlyn confessed, then held up her hand to shake the mans. “Actually, I am their daughter, Kitlyn.”

The workers all caught a glance at their leader, the girl was unattached. They were all thinking the same thing, ‘Who will get to her first?’ The foreman quickly wiped his hand on his own faded blue jeans, “A pleasure m’am.” His grip was strong and sure. His gaze made a sweep over her entire body, appreciatively, thinking what a good time he could show her, “I am Nathan, my friends call me Nat.” He smiled, his teeth flashing white. “Is your father here?”

Kitlyn started to shake but pulled herself together. “No sir, I am afraid that my parents are not here. They were in a car accident a week ago.”

“Oh, I am so sorry, I hope they will be alright?” Nat replied with genuine sorrow. At the same time he hoped she did not have any close relatives, and would be sticking around town for awhile, or at least until her parents came home. His thoughts were interrupted by her reply.

“They were both killed.” Kitlyn replied shortly. “I have to get to school, excuse me.” Kitlyn pushed through the door and outside. The man, Nat followed after her.

“Wait, please,” he said as he grabbed for her arm, “I am sorry to hear about your parents. Would you like to cancel the work or for us to come back at a better time?” he questioned still holding her arm.

Kitlyn looked from her arm to his face, tears were now falling anew. “No, please finish it. It was what my parents wanted.” She looked back down at her arm, “Now please let me go, I will be late for school.” Nat dropped his hold and asked cautiously, “Would you like a ride, it would get you there quicker.”

Kitlyn hesitated for a moment, then accepted the ride knowing he was right.

Kitlyn graduated and began looking for work. No one was hiring without a college degree, unless you got into fast food or retail. The work on her parents house was going steady, Nat had told her they should be done by the end of August.

She went out on a few dates, but none of them were what she really wanted. Even some of the men working on the house had asked her out, but she felt that her parents would not approve. She would politely thank them, then tell them no. One of the men continually asked her, his name was Gray. He seemed to be best friends with Nathan, and was very cute, but she still declined.

The hot summer months went by and all the work done on the house, Nat was going to do some repair work on the piping and wiring. Kitlyn began seeing him daily, either in the kitchen or on the back porch. On his last day he came in to return his key, he called for her.

“I’m up here,” she called from the upstairs hall where she had been dusting, “come on up.”

Nat walked slowly up the stairs, admiring the pictures on the wall. He stopped at Kitlyn’s senior picture. She was wearing a floral dress, her hair falling gracefully around her shoulders. Her smile was wide and looked infectious, almost like she was laughing at something.

“Are you finished already?” Kitlyn questioned walking to the top step. Nathan looked up and smiled, “Yeah. Is this you?” he asked pointing to her picture. She blushed a pretty pink and nodded. “It’s really good.”

“Thank you,” she replied, her question going unanswered.

“Are you really busy?” Nat asked.

“Not really, I was just dusting up here. Is there something you needed?”

“Actually, I was wondering if I might take you out to dinner? Maybe a movie?” Nat asked.

“I am sorry Nathan, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Kitlyn murmured. She turned back to her dusting, but Nat grabbed her arm. “Why not, am I not good enough for you?” His grip tightened and Kitlyn cringed from his tone, “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I really don’t feel like going out. Besides, my parents wouldn’t have approved.”

“Your parents are dead, sweetheart. They have been for three months, get over it,” he yelled back. Kitlyn tried to pull away but Nat held on to her arm. “Let me go, your hurting me!” she cried.

Nat loosened his hold a little, but pulled her closer. She could smell alcohol on his breath. As she looked into his eyes, fear welled up in the pit of her stomach. She tried to pull away again, only to have him grip her harder. He then stepped up the remaining step, his face came so close to hers. Tears welled up in her eyes. Again she begged, “Please let me go!”

Nathan had seen potential in this young girl. He had also seen her dates. They were boys compared to himself, and they couldn’t show her a really good time like he could. He had made up his mind a month ago. He would show Kitlyn the time of her life and if she didn’t appreciate it, well he’d have to do it by force. “Come on. It’s just dinner and a movie. We could have a lot of fun, you and I.”

She gathered all of her courage. “I said no and I meant it. Now please take your things and leave,” she replied, pointing a finger at the pile of tools sitting at the bottom of the staircase.

Nat let go of her arm, then turned and walked down the stairs. At the bottom he turned and looked back up, “You will regret you decision, maybe not now but you will later.” With that he picked up his tools and walked out side to his truck. Throwing the tools in back, he glanced at an upstairs window. Kitlyn had run to the front room and stood behind the curtain, watching him go. Nat climbed into the cab and started the motor. He backed out of the drive, turned and waved at her, then drove off toward town.

Kitlyn ran to the bathroom and quickly stripped off all her clothing and turned on the shower. She stepped into the hot spray and stood there, letting the water cascade down over herself. She felt grimy and dirty, letting Nat touch her. Her parents had taught her that any man who touched her, before marriage and against her will, was dirty. She was relieved that he had left.

With all the housework done, Kitlyn could concentrate on finding a job. She search each day, coming home exhausted every night. Made herself a sandwich, watched the six o-clock news, then went upstairs to bed. This went on for several weeks, until one night. She had eaten and was getting ready to take a shower. Looking into the door mirror, Kit noticed that she had lost weight. She turned left and right, looking at herself. Then she heard a noise coming from her parents old room. She quickly pulled her robe on and opened the bathroom door.

Kit walked silently down the hall, stopping outside the door. She listened, but heard nothing. She thought to herself, ‘Girl, you’re too mature to be scared. It’s probably just the wind.’ She turned and began walking back to the bathroom. As she reached the door, a hand grabbed her arm and turned her around. She opened her mouth to scream, but the other hand went to her mouth. Her eyes were wide with fright.

“Hello, Kitlyn. Remember me?” asked a male voice from behind a black ski mask. Kitlyn shook her head no.

“Really, I would think you would remember your man,” the voice laughed as he removed his mask reveling who he was. Nathan grinned down into her white face. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Now that you know who I am, be good!” Nat said, letting go of her mouth.

“What do you want? How did you get in?” she questioned, her voice quivering.

He held up the door key, “A duplicate I made.” He pushed her towards her own room. Once there, he shoved her inside then closed and locked her door. “As to what I want, that should be obvious to you by now. And by the look on your face, it is.” He pushed her down onto the bed, then started to remove his clothing.

“Please…” she cried, but he cut her off. His clothing removed, he started towards her slowly. She backed up on the bed to no avail. His hand snaked out and grabbed a fistful of hair. He pulled her to lay on her back, then climbed on top of her. His cock was hard and pushing against her abdomen. She tried to scream, but Nat shoved his tongue into her mouth. He pulled her robe apart, then began fondling her vagina. Kitlyn squirmed against his invasion. Nathan pushed his dry shank into her roughly. At her barrier he grunted with satisfaction then pushed the rest of the way into her.

Kitlyn cried out and began fighting him once again. Nat slapped her then punched her in the ribs. She felt all of his weight on her abdomen, he kept grunting and pushing in and out, harder each time. She clawed at his body and face, which only enraged him even further. “I am going to fuck you till you bleed, then I’m gonna let all my friends do the same,” he laughed at her. She could no longer fight, her whole body hurt so badly.

Nat came with a mighty roar. He pushed into her a couple more times, then climbed off her. She lay there wondering if she should move or lie still. Nat turned and looked at her, “Turn over now,” he commanded. She tried to sit up, but he pushed her back down, then flipped her over. He slapped her ass then spread her cheeks. One finger began probing her anus, then his still hardened cock pushed inside of her ass. He pushed in and out until he came once again. His voice whispered next to her ear, “You brought this upon your self sugar. The clothes you wore, the perfume. The covert smiles, everything. You flaunted yourself and shook your ass in front of me. You practically begged me to take you, do you understand? Tell anyone and I will kill you.”

Kitlyn lay there for a long time after he left. She thought about what he had said, was he right? She didn’t know what to do, so she slowly sat up. She checked all the doors and windows, to make sure they were locked. She sat down in her room once again, thinking. She was so unsure of what to do. Her head was still hurting, but she slowly stood and went to the bathroom. Once there she sat on the edge of he tub and vomited into the toilet. Once her head stopped spinning she climbed into the tub and turned on the water. She let it run until it covered her up to her chin. She was unsure of what to do. Her head started spinning with questions. Why had he made a duplicate key? What would she do now? What if someone found out what had happened? And the biggest one…What if she got pregnant? She did not think about ruining any evidence. All she wanted was to get clean and the smell of him off of her body.

When she felt clean, she climbed out then dried herself. She brushed her hair slowly, tears silently falling. She tried to pull herself together but could not. She opened the door and walked back to her room. She stopped in her tracks at the door, “Did you have a good soak?” Nat asked as he lounged on her bed. He held out his hand to her, “Come here and let me hold you sweetheart.” Holding her towel closer to her still wet body, she turned to run. Gray stood directly behind her, she could not escape. Nat slowly stood and walked towards them.

“Now, why would you run from me darling? I would never hurt you,” he laughed. Then to Gray, “She can be very naive at times, but we are working on that. Just wait outside, I’ll be ready in a moment.” Gray nodded, then turned, and left. Nat grabbed Kitlyn by the upper arm and pulled her to the bed. He tossed her down upon the bed, then lay down beside her. His hand manacled her wrists above her head.

“Never do that again,” Nat said through clenched teeth.

“Why are you still here?” Kitlyn quivered her voice finally returning.

“I am here to make sure you understand what will happen to you if you try to tell anyone or turn me in. Now, you won’t tell anyone will you?”

“I promise I won’t tell a soul, really I won’t,” Kitlyn cried.

Nat kissed her moist lips one last time then replied, “Good. See to it that you don’t.” He stood up and left, the duplicate key left unnoticed on her nightstand.

Kitlyn stayed on the bed until she heard the downstairs door close. She stood quickly and ran downstairs, she checked all of the doors. As an extra precaution she checked the windows. Once everything had been checked and locked she went back upstairs. On the nightstand stood her phone, she picked it up but then thought differently. She would keep this a secret, telling no one except herself.

She walked quickly to her desk and sat, pulling out paper and a pen she began to write down everything from her parents death up till now. It took her until after midnight to finish. She lay down on her bed, her head felt much better now that she had written her story. She lay down on her bed and fell quickly into a deep sleep.

She resumed her daily routine, each day drawing more and more strength from her. Finally she found a decent job at Jimmins. She would work in customer service, it would be forty plus hours a week, and her salary started at 12,000 a year. She couldn’t have hoped for more.

The management watched her very closely and after only two months they made her Customer Service Supervisor. Which gave her a flexible schedule and an increase in pay. She worked harder than anyone they had ever seen. Everyone liked Kitlyn, she had the perfect attendance record, and with no complaints on file from customers or associates.

A few months after Kitlyn had started, she began having strange occurrences. Before breakfast she seemed to never be hungry, even the thought of food made her feel faint. She tired easily, after an eight hour day she would go home and crash. If she was lucky, she would eat maybe one meal a day. That meal usually consisted of a piece of fruit and a salad or sandwich.

On a Friday off, she decided to see her doctor. She called early to make an appointment, then showered, and dressed. As soon as she walked into the office, her doctor called her back.

“Kitlyn, how good to see you. It has been quite awhile. How have you been?” Dr. Kvass asked.

“Hello Janna, I’ve been better,” Kitlyn replied.

“Why don’t you tell me what’s been going on, okay?” the doctor questioned. Kitlyn sat down and described her symptoms, then went on to tell about her loss of weight. Doctor Janna Kvass knew all the signs, Kitlyn was pregnant. To be on the safe side she ordered tests. By the time Kitlyn was done, she had been poked and prodded for almost two hours. “Kitlyn, I want you to go home and spend the rest of the day resting. These test should be in by Monday, when could you come back in to see the results?” Janna asked.

“I am free after two next Friday. Will that be alright with you?” Kitlyn answered. Doctor Kvass set up the appointment. Then repeated her instructions to Kitlyn and bid her good day.

Kitlyn went straight home and to bed, she felt so drained. Over the weekend Kitlyn worked on her new garden. The produce wouldn’t bloom until next year, but she wanted to be ready. On Monday she returned to work. She was still very fatigued and more withdrawn than usual. One of the full time ladies that worked primarily with Kitlyn asked her how her weekend was she only replied, “Oh, fine Katie.” Katie felt something was wrong, Kitlyn always had something to say.

Katie was very concerned, so she went to upper management. Jeff was on duty when Katie asked to see him. What she told him was very concerning to him as well. He in turn pulled Kitlyn out of customer service Tuesday afternoon, before her shift.

“How is everything going Kitlyn?” Jeff asked.

“It’s going really good actually,” was all she replied, thinking he was asking about her job promotion.

“Katie seemed a little concerned about you. Have you been ill or depressed lately?” he tried again.

Kitlyn sat down quickly, “Actually, yes I have. I saw the doctor last week, I will see her again this Friday.”

“Well, if that is all then we probably have nothing to worry about. But if things don’t get better, come and talk to me or one of the other managers. Okay?” Jeff sympathized with her. He had known her family and the rough time she had these last few months. “Let me know what happens Friday,” he said as she left his office.

Kitlyn spent the rest of the week worrying about everything. Tuesday evening she began spotting, her period almost two weeks early. She had never been early. On Wednesday the spotting increased to cramps, and by Friday she felt truly horrible inside. Dr. Kvass was waiting for her when she walked into the office at two-thirty four. The nurses that had been chatting ceased, the whole office seemed to go silent.

Janna asked how her week had gone and Kitlyn told her how she had started her period early and the pain from the cramps, being ill, and depressed.

Janna led Kitlyn back to her private office, and offered her a drink. Kitlyn declined then asked, “Am I pregnant?”

Looking over the information and test results, then adding every thing Kitlyn had told her today. “You were…but I am afraid to say, you lost the child,” Janna said quietly. “It was probably from stress. Things have been very stressful for you lately, you should take some time off. Recuperate, so to say. You are pretty torn up inside. I am afraid that this will probably be your only child.”

Kitlyn began to shake and cry. How and why? She wanted to beg Doctor Kvass to retest. But she knew the doctor was right. “Thank you Janna. I appreciate you being straight forward with me,” Kitlyn whispered.

Doctor Kvass lead her out, again the nurses were quieter than usual. At the desk, the receptionist asked her about the baby. Kitlyn could only let silent tears fall. Doctor Kvass hushed the nurse. Kitlyn paid her bill and left.

When she reached home, she called Jeff at home. She told him about her illness, and about losing her only child. Jeff then called all of the managers and told them. On the following Monday, Kitlyn was called into the office.

“Kitlyn, you have been with us for a few months now,” Jeff started. Marie cut in, “We wanted to know how you were doing. We all understand that losing those that you love is hard, but losing your parents then your own child can be very hard. We just wanted to say that if you wanted to take a leave of absence, well we would still pay you.”

Kitlyn was astounded by their generosity. “Thank you, but I think the best thing for me right now would be to continue working. It has been hard, but I will be fine. If I ever change my mind, I will let you know,” and with that she walked out of the office and back to customer service. Later that day she asked that no one else be told about her child and her loss. Management agreed.

From that day forth, Kitlyn did nothing but work hard.

A few weeks after losing her child one of her co-workers asked her out. Jake had asked her to a movie and dinner, she declined saying that she had things to do at home. She remained friendly to everyone, but declined going out with them. She declined any invitation, including the Christmas party. The men she worked with started to see her as cold, the women saw her as hurting but not willing to lose that hurt. She made no friends, after work while everyone went out she would go home and mope around.

Two years after losing her parents, and her child, Kitlyn was still carrying the hurt around. One evening she had the late shift. She was folding returns at the service desk. The fifteen minute announcement had just been made, and things were winding down at Jimmins. A gentleman walked up to the counter, asking for her.

“I’m Kitlyn. How may I help you?” she questioned from behind a pile of unfolded shirts. The man had given her some story about writing an article and needing to interview her for it. She, of course, had declined.

After he had left, Kitlyn had a hard time concentrating on the job at hand. The man had looked at her with such familiarity. Did she know him from somewhere? His eyes, mouth, and well his whole body had frightened her. She had chills up and down her spine. Kitlyn put the incident out of her mind and went on with her work, but in the back of her mind he was always there. She went home and dreamed about him, talking with him, holding hands at a movie, even making love to him. She couldn’t get him out of her mind.

After work, Kitlyn began stopping by the library. She would pick up newspapers, looking for an article about customer service. She never found it, but she found some interesting ones on fatal accidents. She would go home afterwards and write in her diary. She did this for a few weeks, then she began writing her own articles. They were self-help articles, but she never sent them to the newspaper.

Almost four months passed, yet still Kitlyn thought about ‘her man’. She was getting ready to go crazy! She was glad for her upcoming month vacation. She had saved enough to go to Germany. Her own family had come from Munich years ago, and she wanted to see the sights. Maybe this vacation was just what she needed to liven up her now dull life. She was soon to find out how right she was.

Chapter One

Tonight was the night; she worked until 10:30 pm. He would grab her before she walked in the door at home. Jonathan would drop him off around 10:40 pm, so he could take her car and no one would know what had happened to her.

Tonight was the night; she would be leaving in the morning for her month long vacation in Germany.

Kitlyn was so glad that her vacation started tomorrow. She had packed everything and loaded her car before work. She could leave early in the morning.

“Good night Kit. Have a great vacation!” Katie yelled across the parking lot at Jimmins, where they had just gotten off of work. Kit; in her short skirt and blazer, her hair pulled back in a severe bun at the nape of her neck; walked up to her car, “Thanx Katie. See ya in a month,” she yelled back. She got into her car and started the motor; turned on the heater; checked her mirrors; then turned on the radio. 93.9 FM Country sang out an old favorite. ‘Countin flowers on the wall,’ Kit sang along in her high soprano voice.

The drive home was short. She pulled into the driveway at 10:51 pm. She pushed the garage door opener, it didn’t open. ‘Must have frozen up again,’ she thought. Therefore, she cut the motor and grabbed her purse, then climbed out of the car and locked the door. She climbed the stairs to the front door and put the key into the lock. She was about to turn it when he walked up silently behind her. He put a hand over her mouth and the other arm around her sides to hold her arms down. Now she couldn’t scream or fight him.

“No screaming little girl. You might wake the neighbors and you don’t want to do that, now do you?” came a gruff male voice. Kitlyn shook her head, no. “Good girl,” the voice replied. He then cuffed her on the head and knocked her unconscious. She leaned back on his chest and he picked her up, carried her back to the car. He took the keys from her hand and opened the passenger door.

Once he got her settled in and buckled up, he climbed into the drivers seat. His knees hit the dashboard. ‘God she’s short!’ he laughed to himself as he readjusted the seat and mirrors. He started the car and headed for home. When he pulled into the drive, he let out a sigh of relief. Kitlyn had slept the whole way to his home.

Isaac had spent almost four months gathering information about Kitlyn Damien. From the past- losing her family, being raped a little over two years ago; to the present- working forty hours plus a week, no friends to speak of (she had never even dated). And now he, Isaac Jacobs, would help her forget all of that. He wanted and would have her completely; mind, soul, and definitely her body. She would be unable to refuse him anything.

He put the car into park and cut the motor. He then climbed out of the car and walked around to the passenger door, then opened it. Kitlyn flew out at him, her fists ready to fight. Isaac grabbed her wrists and flung her against the car. He held her wrists behind her and said gruffly, “That was a bad idea little girl.”

“P-p-please, let me go. Y-y-your hurting me,” she whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. ‘God, please don’t cry,’ Isaac thought as he pulled her to him. He felt so big compared to her. He loosened his hold and picked her up. For a little thing, she sure could put up a fight. She was also way to thin. He hoped to change that while she was here. Kitlyn struggled against him as he walked to the door of the house.

Once inside he set her down, then set all the automatic locks. Being a computer genius he had his house set up under a computer program that was voice activated, his voice only. Isaac turned back to look at her, he started slowly towards her. She backed up to the wall, tears still falling rapidly down her face. She yelped as his hand brushed her breast as it passed to flip on the light. It stayed on the wall for a few seconds longer as Kitlyn stared at her feet. Then he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. “What is you name little girl?” A slow, sexy smile spread across his seemingly unshaven face.

Her chin went up several inches, just out of reach of his hand. She sniffled. “I am not a little girl,” she snapped in a childlike voice.

“Well seeing as I am bigger and stronger than you, I would guess that you are a little girl, little girl. Now,” he took a firmer hold on her chin, “What is your name?”

“I-it…its Kit. Kitlyn,” she whispered.

“Good girl Kit. As you can see, were not in Kansas anymore.” Isaac was now grinning a broad grin that gave his cheeks dimples. “If your looking to get money, you won’t,” she replied haughtily.

“And why not? No one loves you enough?” Isaac laughed though he already knew the answer. Kit looked down at her feet as she shuffled them. She replied quietly, “I have no one but myself.” Tears began to streak down her face anew.

“Good, then no one will miss you will they?” came his sharp reply.

“W-w-what are you going to…to…to do to me?” she stuttered. Isaac didn’t answer her, just grabbed her hand, and pulled her towards the stairs. Kitlyn stumbled up the stairs behind him. At the top they turned left and went to the first door. Isaac opened the door and shoved Kit inside. He followed her in, then closed, and locked the door. Kitlyn looked around the spacious room; her eyes halted on the large master style bed. Isaac watched as her eyes went large with fright of the masculine bed.

Kitlyn turned around quickly and ran into Isaac. He put his arms around her so she wouldn’t fall over. “Please…let me go!” She pleaded with him. Isaac let her go but did not back away from her. “Will this room suit you?” he asked with a wicked grin. “If not, I have three others. One of them is just like this room, but the other two are not.”

Kitlyn’s curiosity got the best of her. “What are the other two like?” she asked shyly.

“Well, one is a fantasy dungeon. It has a statue of a dragon, torch lamps, chains, and other medieval items. While the other is a fantasy doctors office. It has an examination bed, and other doctorial things.” Kitlyn’s eyes grew with each word Isaac spoke. “Would you like to see them or maybe a demonstration of one of them?” Isaac asked with a laugh.

“N-no. Thank you,” came her quiet reply. At the same time she wanted a personal tour, she could not understand her feelings.

“You are very polite. Even after all I have done to you, you still say thank you,” Isaac commented. This made Kitlyn blush a deep pink. She bowed her head and resumed shuffling her feet. Isaac took hold of her chin and forced her to look at him, “And very beautiful.” His head descended to hers. Her lips were moist and warm, and they opened on a sigh. He took it as an invitation.

Isaac’s arms went around her to pull her closer and deepen the kiss. He explored her mouth, which felt like soft velvet and very warm. But as his tongue met hers, Kitlyn pulled back. He watched as her face went from pink to red, registering fear and shame. “What’s the matter sugar? Never been kissed before?”

“I’ve been kissed before. I just didn’t like it!” she whispered fiercely. She hoped he could not tell she was lying. She wanted to continue kissing this man. His beard was scratchy, and rubbed provocatively against her mouth and cheeks.

“You don’t like being kissed or just when I do it?” Isaac questioned even though he already knew the answer. Kitlyn shook her head no at the latter answer, then bowed her head in shame.

“Are you lying to me Kit?” Isaac asked forcefully.

“No,” she whispered.

“I think you are.” He moved closer and she backed away. ‘Oh you stupid, stupid girl. Now he’s gonna do something really bad to you,’ she thought to herself as he continued towards her. “Are you scared of me?” She only shook her head no, while she continued backwards until she fell back on to the bed. Isaac grabbed at her feet, pulling her shoes off. He then grabbed at her legs, but she moved back to quickly. She pushed herself all the way back to the headboard. She held herself in a tight ball, not wanting him to reach her. Isaac went to the side of the bed closest to her and sat down, “Why are you scared of me?” Silence. He didn’t push it any farther, just reached over and pulled the covers up to her chest.

“I know you are lying to me, but we will take care of that later. Good night Kitlyn,” he said as he leaned over her. He kissed her forehead then walked to the door.

“What are you going to do to me?” she asked again, quietly. Isaac turned around, “Things you can only dream of sweetheart. Things you can only dream of.”

“I want to go home!” she yelled quickly, before he turned around to leave.

He ignored her plea, then turned around and left. He closed and locked the door. Kitlyn shoved the covers off and ran to the door, it was locked from the outside. She could hear footsteps falling down the hall, and then a door opened and soft music began to play.

Kitlyn slumped against the door and looked around her. There was another door at the far side of the room, she ran to it. Like the main door, it was locked. She could only imagine where it led. Kitlyn walked back to the bed and sat down. She began to pull her socks off, then her skirt, and her blazer and sweater. Finally, her hair. It cascaded down her back. She wished she had a brush to get rid of the tangles.

She lay back on the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She fell into a fitful sleep, thinking about all the things her handsome captor might do to her. The last one felt so real.

Chapter Two

Isaac looked down at her childlike, angelic face. She was so peaceful when she slept. His hands itched to touch her. She moaned and turned away from him, then she snuggled closer to him and his warmth. Her bottom wiggled close to his hardening cock. It became harder as he pulled the covers down her lithe body. His hand then trailed slowly up her leg, to the junction of her thighs. She rolled on to her back and stretched her arms slightly above her head. He continued his caressing, up her other leg. He put both of his hands on her legs and nudged them apart. Her legs spread wide for him, showing off her lace panties. He cupped her pussy through the fabric. “Please Nathan, no more,” she begged in her sleep.

“Be a good little girl and put your hands over your head,” Isaac whispered gruffly. “Yes sir,” came the sobbed reply. She put her hands up slowly and he grabbed her wrists. He tied them with silken ropes to the headboard. She slept on, still in a dream. Isaac returned to her pussy, pulling her panties off he caressed her. He had never known a woman who shaved her genital area, but he was starting to like Kitlyn’s. It looked like silk and satin, it felt even better. Isaac began caressing her slowly, his caressing became rubbing. His fingers moving slowly across her velvety heat, he watched her face for any sign of discomfort. Seeing none, he continued to caress her gently.

Kitlyn giggled as if being tickled so Isaac began to do just that. He felt her grow wet and was turned on to the extreme by it. He brushed a finger over her clitoris and Kit arched to meet that finger. He ran it up and down, then slightly pushed it in further until he reached her apex. She was so very wet, and hot. Her warmth seemed to seep from all of her pours. He could smell her womanly scent, it was flowers and baking mixed with hard work. To him she smelled wonderful.

Kitlyn sighed and Isaac kissed her open mouth. She responded by trying to reach for his mouth. Isaac let her have what she wanted. Her eyes opened slowly as the kiss began to deepen. Their tongues intertwined with one another. Isaac felt her whole being poured out with that one kiss.

She was still groggy and did not know what was happening until she opened her mouth further, on impulse, still reaching for his. Isaac felt her warm breath on his cheek and he took it as an invitation. His tongue parried with hers as he pushed harder into her vagina with his finger. Kit came alive and bit his tongue, hard. Isaac howled and Kitlyn screamed.

“W-w-what are you doing?” Kitlyn asked when she stopped screaming. Her voice trembled when she realized she was tied up and practically naked. She tried to turn to cover herself, but Isaac held her down. He watched her eyes and face closely.

“I was just about to have breakfast,” Isaac snarled back at her. He looked down at her whole body trembling.

“I…am so sorry sir. I…I didn’t mean…mean to bite you, honestly,” Kitlyn whispered haltingly. “I…I…”

“First you lied to me and second you tried to bite my tongue off. You deepened the kiss, not me. You tried to reach for me, not the other way around. Would you have treated you father that way?” He asked, thinking Nathan was her fathers’ name. Kitlyn’s eyes grew large and tears welled up in the lower half, “No sir.”

“And what would he have done?” Isaac asked. “He would have… have…” she stuttered, not really knowing the answer. Her father would never do anything like this man was doing! “Have what? Spanked you, whipped you, what would he have done Kitlyn?” He asked. Isaac thought to himself, ‘What if he had touched her, had he molested his own daughter?’ Then realizing the absurdity of that notion, he shrugged it off.

“I don’t know what he would have done!” she yelled at him. She then winced away from him, thinking he would backhand her for yelling at him. “I…I am sorry sir. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I don’t know what my father would have done, but please don’t hurt me. I’ll do anything you ask of me, just don’t hurt me,” she pleaded thinking that this man might be like Nathan.

“Anything?” Isaac replied, one eyebrow raised. “ Yes sir, anything you tell me to do.” She shivered at the statement. Her whole body went cold, thinking about what he might do. Silence reigned for a few moments as Isaac seemed to deliberate what he wanted to do to her.

“I am going to untie you. Then I want you to put this on, it’s cold,” came his stoic reply as he threw a lambs wool robe on to the bed. “You will join me downstairs for breakfast. We will go from there.” He then untied her and walked to the door. He stood watching her pull the robe over her ashamed nakedness.

When she felt covered to satisfaction, she looked up. She blushed as she realized he was still watching her, had watched her dress. Isaac held out his hand to her and she stood up. She walked slowly to the end of the bed, and then stood her ground there. She wondered what this man would do next. Would he spank her or whip her if she disobeyed him again? Or would he tie her up and make her do unspeakable things?

“Are you going to be a good girl?” he questioned. Kitlyn did the only thing she thought was right and nodded her head yes. “Come here and take my hand, so we can go and get some breakfast,” he said softly holding out his hand, “I’m hungry.”

She hesitated, “Now Kit. Do not test my patience any farther.” That made her jump, and she walked forward with her eyes down. When she reached him she continued to look down. “Give me your hand,” he commanded. She did so quickly and he raised it palm up, then kissed the sensitive part of her wrist. She looked up into what appeared to be aqua marine eyes; they sparkled as he smiled down at her. His smile was big, and made her feel wet again.

Chapter Three

Together they walked down the stairs that he had drug her up the night before. She saw that it also led to the kitchen, which was busy as a beehive. “Good morning sir,” said a man in black livery as he handed Isaac the daily paper (freshly ironed of course).

“Good morning Jon,” Isaac replied as he pulled Kitlyn in front of himself. He put his arms around her (giving her no escape), he squeezed her waist. “This is Kitlyn Damien.” The whole kitchen went silent. It had been six years since a woman had been allowed in the house, over seven since his wife had walked down the stairs with him!

“Good morning madam. I trust you slept well?” Jonathan asked. Kitlyn’s eyes went black with fright as she cowered against her captors’ muscular chest. She watched as the whole staff of men gathered in a receiving line.

Isaac and Jonathan began to introduce each man and explain to her their duties. During the whole ordeal she stayed glued to Isaac. It felt good to have a strong man hold her, even if it scared her, even to think about having so many men around herself, especially after Nathan. He had played with her (in every sense of the word), raped her, and left her bruised and battered. She would never trust a man again, not even if this man was holding her captive. At the time she was safe from the other men of the house. No she would never trust him, but at the same time she wanted to trust him. She wanted to make love to him, and experience all that she had dreamed about.

As they sat eating breakfast, Kitlyn saw her captor in his natural setting. She began to see him as a secluded, dismal man and not her captor. As she relaxed, she began to enjoy his company and their conversation. They talked about the weather and things going on around the country. Isaac tried to open up her shell, but Kitlyn effectively shot down each try.

After breakfast Isaac showed her around the first floor of the house. It was very spacious and masculine. He told her about every detail, how it was built to his specifications and needs. Each room had a significant meaning to him, and it showed in his words. The dinning room, it had his great-great-great grandmothers china. The den, it was fashioned after his fathers. His office, filled with pictures of his family. And finally the library, where there were many famous novels. Some about the world, some were mystery, even suspense, but the greatest majority was romance. After the tour they sat down in the sitting room, and continued their chatting.

Kit stood staring out the bay windows. The view was simply breathtaking. “Where are we?” she asked without turning around. Isaac stood up from the loveseat and walked to stand behind her, his arms wrapped around her middle (a place they loved to be). He recalled another conversation just like this. It hit him like a knife to the stomach. Rose, his sweet innocent Rose. Isaac hid his emotions as he replied, “I call it ‘paradise’ but we are in Mountain Barrow.” He turned her to face him, “Do you like it?” he asked her cautiously. Kit could only nod. Isaac took her hand, “I’d like to show you something.”

Kitlyn followed him back to his office. They sat down on the soft leather of the loveseat. He pulled out an old record book. Inside were clippings from newspaper articles and magazine articles. They showed pictures of Mountain Barrow from the early nineteen hundreds to the present. There were so many and each one was more beautiful than the last. Kitlyn could only appreciate each one. Awed, she sat looking at each one. They sat; heads together, laughing at some of the captions, enjoying each picture; like friends that had known each other since birth. Once his arm went behind her, she sat not even shaking or even noticing.

After an hour Isaac stood and walked to the door, looking back at Kitlyn, he held out his hand. Kitlyn did not take his hand, but stood with him. He walked to the stairs and then up them. At the top, he took her hand in his and led her into the room next to her own room. He pulled her into the room after himself then let go of her hand. She looked around the masculine bedroom, as he closed and locked the door.

“Who…whose room is this?” she asked as she spied a lace gown on the bed next to a silken rope. Isaac did not answer her, but began to undress himself.

When he finished undressing, Isaac put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. Her eyes were pitch black with fear. She looked down at her feet, not wanting him to see her fear. He raised her chin slowly so she could get a good look at his hard body. He was very masculine, his pecks and chest were more than fit. His hands came up to rest on her shoulders for a moment, then moved downwards. She shivered as his hands began to remove her robe. “Are you still going to do every thing I say?” he asked hoping she would say no.

Kitlyn looked into his eyes and then looked back down, “No…at least, not until you let me go home.” Shame swept over her face. But she had answered in the way she thought he’d want her to. She did not understand why, but she wanted to please this man. She felt herself flush at the thought of him punishing her, how his hands would feel, what he might do, what she wanted him to do.

“Are you going to be a bad girl, then?” he asked.

“Yes, I guess I am,” she tried hard to not laugh.

Isaac burst out, unable to hold his laughter, “Really Kit. Are you so sure of yourself now?” He grabbed her arms and pulled her to the bed. Pushing her down to her knees he said, “If you don’t do as I tell you, I will discipline you.” It came out in a sexily, husky tone. “Now take the robe off, slowly,” he commanded her lightly. She did not want to do it, but the robe began to slip down her shoulders. It stopped half way down to her breasts. She held it there, afraid of his next move, not wanting him to see her naked, and hurt her the way Nathan had.

Isaac was getting impatient with her slowness. Then he realized she was afraid of him, of him seeing her naked body, and touching one another. “Why are you so scared of me?” he asked her gently. He began to caress her face.

“I’m not scared of you sir,” she whispered. He sat down on the bed and pulled her to stand in front of him, “Then why are you shaking? Why are you disobeying me if your not scared?” He opened her robe, leaving her breast covered, and kissed her flat navel. Then slowly kissed his way down to her vagina. “I’m n…not…scared…” she stuttered, unable to hide it now.

As he got closer to her vagina he could hear her breathing become coarse. His tongue snaked out to touch the nub and Kitlyn backed away. “You are afraid,” he stated. “No, really. I…I…” she stopped as he stood up next to her.

“You are lying to me,” he alleged. “You have lied to me since last night, haven‘t you?” he said, raising his hand up. She began to shiver, thinking he was going to hit her. Instead he stalked her back to the wall and held her captive there. He fell to his knees and began kissing her. She tried to wiggle away but ended up pushing his mouth closer to her wetting vagina. He licked her once; she wiggled moving his tongue in further. He licked her again; she began to moan; again and again, she melted down to the floor. Isaac held her up and began licking her in earnest. She held a moan in, not wanting to let him know how much more she wanted. His hands resting on her hips began to squeeze her buttock. This movement made her undulate her hips towards his mouth. He stopped and looked up into her face and her violet colored eyes. “Are you still scared or do you want more, love?”

“Please, no more. You have made your point,” she whispered in a trembling voice. Isaac stood up and took her hands and led her back to the bed. He sat down on the edge and pulled her down to his lap. His arms went around her waist, holding her robe up, and he pulled her back. His cock became hard as it touched her bare bottom. She tried to wiggle away but Isaac held her in place.

Laughing he said, “Are you uncomfortable, dear?” She again tried to get up, “The more you move over my knob…” she wiggled a little more, “the harder it gets, honey.” She sat still. “You know, you have been very bad. You really need to be punished, don’t you?” he stated. Kitlyn felt her resolve melt away. She could no longer fight him, she wanted to be punished, “Yes sir.” She sounded so sad to him. He would fix her sadness, “So, how shall I punish you?” She turned to look at him astounded. No one had ever asked her how she wanted to be punished. ‘This must be a trick. He will do the opposite of what I say. Well, I’ll fix him,’ she thought with a secret smile. “You should probably spank me sir,” she replied, thinking he would let her up.

He did let her up, but only to pull her over his knees. “How shall I spank you? Hard? Soft? Or an erotic spanking?” he questioned. His hand rubbed over her small heart shaped ass. It was already erotic to just touch her smooth skin. “Erotic spanking?” she questioned. Isaac took it as her answer and began to lightly slap her bottom. “Ask for another? Say ‘Thank you Master. May I have another?’ Until you feel you have been punished enough,” he commanded her gruffly. She shivered but answered in a whisper, “T-t-thank y-y-you, Sir. M-m-may I h-have an-another, sir?”

Isaac stopped and pulled her back to a sitting position on his lap. “Do you really want another, Kit? Or are you just trying to please me?” he questioned her. “I-I am trying to-to do as you comm…” He cut her off with a kiss. She whimpered but continued to sit on his lap. The kiss mutually deepened, until he began caressing her breast.

She jumped up and moved towards the door. Isaac stood and walked slowly towards her. Each step was slow, measured, as if it was premeditated. Making it even more menacing to her. She began to shake as he walked closer, her thoughts went to Nathan. Nathan grabbing her and hitting her. Nathan pushing himself into her, laughing as she cried out from pain. She wouldn’t let him hurt her again. “Stop Nathan…please stop,” she cried out. She melted to the floor and tried to cover herself. She mentally felt Nathan slam into her, again and again. This would not happen to her again, she would fight harder this time.

Isaac stopped in front of her, then knelt down. “Who is Nathan? Who is he?” he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. Kitlyn’s whole body shook, but she did not look up. ‘His voice is different, but I know if I look up he will hit me,’ she thought. Isaac did not wait for her to look up. He put his arms under her, lifted her to his waist, and carried her back to the bed. Laying her down he then crawled in next to her. He pulled her to his side and cradled her there like a child. He caressed her hair, down her back and buttock then back up again.

“What do you want from me?” she whispered so softly, he almost missed it. “Everything,” he answered. He took hold of her chin and forced her to look him in the eye. “You will obey me, everything I tell you to do. You will call me Master. You will beg me to spank your bare ass again. I will tie you down and make you beg for my cock to be inside of you,” he told her gruffly. Her eyes closed as tears welled up in them. ‘God, if only he commanded me to give him my love. I would give it gladly,’ she thought.

Isaac pulled the robe off her. This time she let him. He began caressing her legs. She held them tightly together; her hands lay over her breasts. He straddled her, then pulled her arms over her head. Grabbing the silk rope, he tied her hands to the headboard. She wiggled to free herself, but with one menacing look from Isaac she stopped. He then pulled her legs apart and settled himself between them. He looked down into her eyes. “Say it,” he commanded her, “call me Master.”

She turned her head away from his. He grabbed her hair and forced her to look at him again, “I said ‘call me Master.’ Now are you going to obey me?” Kitlyn looked in to his eyes and saw a brutal man. “I can’t,” was all she replied.

“Can’t or won’t?” he snarled. He pushed against her vagina, felt her wetness, and wanted more. “Please, your hurting me,” she cried out, but Isaac no longer heard her. All he heard was Rose. “Make love to me Isaac. Give me a child.” Isaac had wanted a child with Rose and if the car accident hadn’t happened he would still have his wife and their child. Slowly he began pushing inside of her vagina, so warm and wet for him. He would do anything to please her, and make her wiggle over his hardness again. He wanted a child, a little Rose to watch grow, and to take care of. Someone for him to love and cherish.

“Please, stop. I will do as you wish, just please stop hurting me,” Kitlyn begged breaking his thoughts up. He got off of her only to lie next to her on his side. He repeated his command, “Call me Master.” She wiggled her arms, trying to free them. “Please, do as I ask. I do not wish to hurt you!” he pleaded with her. He wanted to continue making love to her. He did not care if she ever called him master, he only wanted to hear her say she loved him, and that she would stay forever.

“Yes master,” she whimpered.

“Louder, I want to hear you say it,” Isaac commanded, a little gruffer than he really wanted to.

“Yes master,” she said a little louder. He turned her on her side and placed his hand on her ass, at first to only caress her. But then he began to spank it lightly. “Yes master,” she said, but it still was not loud enough for him. He spanked her again and again, wanting more. He wanted her to hear herself. He spanked her again, a little harder. “Yes Master!” she practically yelled. He felt ashamed of what he had done, yet he was turned on by it. Isaac felt all of his frustration and anger slip out as he watched tears falling down her soft face.

Feeling her shaking body, Isaac pulled her closer. He began to wipe her tears away, but Kitlyn flinched from his hand. “Why did you just flinch?” he asked quietly, “And I want the truth this time. Did you think I was going to hit you?”

Kitlyn turned slightly to see his face. Her cheeks wet with tears and her eyes red, she answered quietly. “Yes, master. But please don’t hit me, I will be good.” She then reached for his hand and placed it upon her cheek. Isaac slowly moved his hand over her face, wiping the tears away. When he spoke, it was quietly, with no emotion.

“Good girl. Now get some sleep. You’re going to need your strength tomorrow,” he replied. He stood up and put on his own robe then pulled a blanket up to her chin. He leaned over and kissed her forehead, “You will sleep in here from now on. You will also bathe with me. You will walk with me. You will be a humble servant to your master.” He turned, pulled his robe closed, and walked to the door. When he looked back, she was asleep. He walked to the stairs and looked up.

Chapter Four

Slowly he made his way upstairs to the room. He reached the door and pulled out its’ key, opening it all of his memories came flooding back. Rose standing on a street corner lost. Rose in her wedding gown. Rose on their honeymoon. Rose picking flowers from their garden. Rose telling him goodbye the night he left for his trip to France.

Rose had been like a soul mate to him. She was sweet and funny, everybody loved her. She was short, 5”4’ with strawberry blond hair, and bluish green eyes. Her face was bright, always smiling. Her smile and laughter could make the grumpiest person be happy. She was always giving something to someone in need or less fortunate than herself. God how he missed her. Sitting by the fireplace in their room, on cold winter nights, making love slowly and fiercely. Talking about God and children, or just life. She was a great conversationalist and she always had a story to tell to anyone who would listen, (the funny thing was they were always true). She made love like she talked and she talked like a millionaire. Isaac would never forget her or her love for everything, especially for him.

She told him all her fears and dreams. How she had wanted to have children running around, many children. How when she finally gotten pregnant, she had made him guess for three hours. Finally Jon had reminded him about her doctors appointment that day. He had looked quickly back at his now blushing wife. He had stood and was silent for a moment, scaring Rose into thinking he was not happy, then jumped and hollered until the whole house knew of their baby.

When he returned from France he got the news. His wife of four years was gone; she had been killed in a car accident. It was a head on collision. He vowed to never love again. That was six years ago. About four months ago, Isaac was shopping at a department store when he heard a voice from the past.

“Attention Jimmins shoppers, we will be closing in fifteen minutes. Please take your final selections to the registers. Thank you.”

He stopped in the middle of the isle, “Rose? Where are you, sweetheart?” He looked around, expecting to see her running towards him. She was nowhere.

That voice, it was Roses’ voice, wasn’t it? “Excuse me, who was that voice over the pager a moment ago?” he asked a gentleman wearing a Jimmins name badge. It said Jose. “Oh, that was just Kitlyn. She runs our customer service area,” Jose replied, without stopping.

Isaac walked back to the customer service desk and asked for Kitlyn. She walked around a walled partition carrying a large load of unfolded shirts. From behind them she answered in a muffled voice, “I’m Kitlyn. How may I help you?” She set the shirts down and began to fold them.

Isaac looked at her, astonished. She looked almost like Rose. There were a few differences, such as her hair was more red than Rose’s had been. Her eyes were bluer. However, she had the same smile that spread across her face like sunshine.

“Umm, yes I was wondering Miss…” he replied, looking at her name badge, “Damien. Would you be free tomorrow for an, aahhh,” he stopped, looking for a viable excuse,” interview. I am with the Mountain Times and am doing research on today’s customers and those who give them great customer service. Say about 11:30, I’ll take you to lunch?” He finished with finesse, thinking ‘No woman can resist free lunch with a charming man.’

“I am sorry, Sir. I don’t do interviews, for Anyone,” she said nonplussed. She looked up into his eyes and a shiver ran down her back, she would always remember those aquamarine eyes. They reminded her of her father.

Isaac bowed to her and said, “Well, thank you for your time anyway Miss Damien. With or without you, my story will be great.” He then turned and left, a plan forming in his mind. He would find out everything about Kitlyn Damien and kidnap her. He would make her his own, she would tell him all he wished to know. He laughed to himself as he got in to his car. Oh yes, she would be his and he would have his Rose back.