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How We Help You!


Our Instructional Programs

In addition to our more detailed and customized hands- on training programs conducted at your home, we also include personal one-on-one assistance for a variety of behavior issues that also includes a "Board to Train" program (if needed) for certain behavior problems that our clients may not have time to do when extensive conditioning is needed for successful results.

Our all-inclusive programs deal with but are not limited to:

It should be understood that there are two components to "training" and they are always mixed in varying degrees depending on the specific circumstances. First there is the kind of training that solves behavioral issues. Then there is training that elicits a command-response pattern, (like coming to you and sitting).

For example, it is possible to have a dog that heels, sits, stays and comes to you perfectly but destroys and digs up your yard. The opposite of this is that you may have a dog that is not destructive, yet will drag you kicking and screaming down the street.

We consider the former type of training to be "behavior modification" and the latter type as "obedience training". We can assist you with the above issues along with an obedience training program or separately depending on the circumstances.


As DOG TRAINING PROFESSIONALS and CANINE BEHAVIORAL EXPERTS, Duff and Jane Lueder have learned that most problems with dogs occur at the human end of the leash do to mis-communication and inaccurate perceptions of canine behavior and that these difficulties originate where the dog spends most of its interactive time with its owner. At Home!

This is logically where training needs to start. Just like we do with human children and just like "Mama" dog who teaches her young pups in the den before venturing out into the larger world. This is done by one-on-one hands-on training with the client at their home or with their new On-Line/Phone Consultation Training program for behavioral issues which allows training with people anywhere they live.

Duff and Jane also know that well trained dogs DO NOT happen on their own, or by reading a book, or by one size-fits-all quick fixes, or harsh domineering confrontational processes. As this doesn't work nor would anyone find it acceptable for teaching our children, it also does not work nor is it acceptable when teaching other living things. Well trained dogs are however, a result of a commitment by their owners to learn about their dog and its strengths, its limitations and how the dog as a canine species views things different than humans. It is a commitment of a little time, patience, and a proven training process from TRAINED PROFESSIONALS.

The PHYSICAL HEALTH of your dog and the TRAINING of yourself and your dog in how to live and interact with each other should never be considered less valuable or less important than the toys and treats we buy them. Sadly, more often than not, it seems to be the other way around. We believe that the health and training of the dog (as with our children) are the number one priority in our responsibility as dog owners.



"Dog Whispering" is a process in dog training that deals directly with sound knowledge on how dogs communicate and receive information. This is based on facial expression, body posture, scent and calm assertive interaction. This is referred to as, "Non Verbal Communication". In tapping into this knowledge along with combining the use of calm and gentle tones, it creates a bond and relationship with the dog that not only demonstrates benevolent leadership but trust and respect. The result is one of the most productive and efficient training methods available today.

Teaching a dog what it is you expect in respect to their learning abilities and limitations is not only respectful but the responsibility of everyone who injects a dog (or other animal for that matter) into their human world. Remember, professional dog training is not about a "quick fix" or a "one-size-fits-all" methodology that does not address the individual needs of the owner and the specific and individual personalities and quirks of the dog. No two dogs are alike any more than any two people are alike. So, "Professional Dog Trainers" that have come to master the techniques of "Dog Whispering" are becoming more and more sought after. Why? Because it actually works!



is designed to change the way you and your dog live together. This process will open your eyes and your mind to non-traditional methods and ways of looking at and understanding your dog based on solid education and experience. It will show you why training (obedience and behavioral), is the most wonderful thing you can do for your dog.

It will also pleasantly surprise you because KNINEPAL Dog and Owner Centered Learning Procedures are a lot of fun. You will realize that you and your dog can have a great life together, particularly when you have a training program that shows you how, step by step!



is on raising a young dog, or older dogs with issues, to be a well behaved and productive part of your family. This is done by assisting owners in understanding how the Canine Species thinks, views and interprets their world so that COMMUNICATION and TRAINING are fun, not stressful. KNINEPAL COMMUNICATION and LEADERSHIP techniques are also effective regardless of the dog's age and.....IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! We have students with dogs up to 14 years of age who have made fantastic progress and achievements with our program.

Whether you have a new puppy, an "unruly" young dog, or an untrained older pet, you can start improving your communication and leadership along with your dog's behavior immediately. Through the TRAINING of yourself and your dog, BOTH your lives together, will be changed for the better.



is not the "only way" or the "only right way" to train. They are simply, "another way" based on education, years of practical hands on experience and what works efficiently for the individual dog and owner. They are recognized humane techniques which are customized and geared to fit your individual concerns, life style, personality and abilities of you and your dog with emphasis on how a dog relates to these things. After all, it is how a dog interprets and relates to things based on their view of the world that will always dictate their next act, positive or negative. This way, training remains respectful to a species recognized as different from us.

If you are willing to set aside some time and can be patient, you can have all the ingredients that are needed for success. But most importantly, it must be fun for you and your dog! We know you'll be pleased with our obedience and behavior modification programs as they are all inclusive. We document everything we teach you and how you do each session on computer. You also get a complete print out and photo illustration of everything we teach you for your future review. In addition, we are on 24 hr call with you between training sessions for questions that arise so we can better help you make any adjustments needed to make you successful. Following the "Hands-On-Training" we are then FREE to you (through phone consultation), for the rest of the life of your dog! We are proud of what and how we teach and we know you will be proud of the results. We'll also supply an appropriate training collar and a custom leash of our own design to help you learn to train yourself and your dog. And the best part is..




We can also work with you ONE-ON-ONE with our SPECIALIZED ON-LINE/PHONE CONSULTATION TRAINING PROGRAM for Behavioral and Leadership issues ANYWHERE YOU ARE IN THE WORLD!

Our training is conducted privately at your home, in your dog's most familiar environment. What's more.....Master Trainers, Duff and Jane Lueder alone, will personally assist you.

With our On-Line/Phone Consultation Program, we can guide you through the behavioral modification and Leadership skills you will need step by step through e-mail correspondence as well as by phone(on our dime)including those issues listed below and much more.

Again, with either of these programs we are available to you on a 24 hour a day on-call basis for any questions that arise or training adjustments that are needed. These programs are also complete with educational handouts as well as photo illustrations when needed.

Remember, the training is customized to fit you, your lifestyle and the specific issues and goals you and your dog have.

This is DOG TRAINING ASSISTANCE designed to come to you and simplify your life with your dog with a qualified "Dog Training Consultant" there for you whenever you need them.


Because each breed has its own unique traits and because dogs are individuals, each with its own personality, we offer a no obligation phone consultation with us (on our dime) with an extended phone interview. During the consultation and interview you and your dog's situation will undergo a simple evaluation, and all your questions and concerns will be addressed. We will then suggest appropriate training, behavior modification and management plans for your consideration and walk you through the process step by step when you are ready to begin.

Our fee structures for personal, private, one-on-one instruction range from $250 and up depending on your needs and location.

Call 864-338-6904 for a no-obligation phone consultation regarding you and your dog's needs along with your free estimate.

Our Consultation Hours are: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday-Saturday. Sunday 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM




Click on: AuthorHouse to order our new book, "CANINE REFLECTIONS" available in Hardcover and Paperback.


What to look for when selecting a Pet Behavior Specialist!

The following is excerpted from: the New "Better Behavior in Dogs 1999 A Guide to solving all your dog Problems", (Direct Books - (800) 776-2665)

"Sometimes an animal's behavior problems seem so involved that they defy our ability to see them objectively, which is when the services of a behavior consultant can be invaluable. The following is a guide to help ensure that you select someone who will work with you in a way that allows you to gain the insight needed to correct the problem."

(We fully agree with the following criteria when looking for a behaviorist trainer to help in solving the issues you have).

"First, take your problem-pet to your veterinarian for a complete physical examination. Take along a fresh stool sample for a parasite check. Records indicate that 20% of dogs with behavior problems in over 2000 cases who had not been checked in more than 6 months also had a health problem. There is no use wasting money on a behavior problem when there may be a contributing health factor.

Once a physical exam has been conducted and the health is no longer an issue, ask your veterinarian whether or not you and your dog could benefit from professional consultation. Many veterinarians themselves are getting involved in consulting about problems, so if your pet's doctor has some ideas, listen to them.

Next, a telephone call to the behavior specialist should be done. This is aimed at gathering vital information about how he or she goes about working with owners and their problem pets. But keep in mind, just as you are qualifying them, they are also qualifying you!

If they are operating on the highest ethical standards, they will want to know a great deal about you, your pet and its health history, plus the history of the problem from the beginning to the present time. They should be especially interested in what steps you may have already taken to solve the problem yourself or with other assistance.

Give them all the facts. This will allow them to decide if they can really help, or, if they should refer you to someone more specialized in the problem.

On the other hand, if they show no interest in the history of the problem and simply press you for an appointment, count your blessings, thank them nicely, hang up and contact the next consultant on the list. Anyone in this profession who does not extend the courtesy of qualifying his or her clients through a few minutes on the phone is not responding to you as a well-trained and experienced consultant should respond. You should expect understanding and empathy to your situation and needs.

Finally there are three ways to qualify your specialist:

1. The humaneness of the method to be employed.

2. The cost of the program in terms of the money, time and effort you will be investing.

3. What sort of rapport you and the specialist establish. If you and the consultant cannot communicate smoothly during an explanation of the programs, you're apt to have even more difficulty later, when it comes to understanding the causes and corrections for your pet's problem."


