Pink Flamingos

STARRING:Divine, Mary Vivian Pierce, David Lochary, Mink Stole, Danny Mills, Edith Massey, Cookie Mueller, and Paul Swift

This films is the all time gross-out film. In it Divine plays Babs Johnson, a criminal on the run who is called "The filthiest person alive" by the national tabloids. She moves into a trailer in Phoenix, Maryland with her Chicken-fucking son, Crackers, her traveling companion, Cotton, and her mentally ill mother Miss Edie. Across town, in Baltimore, Connie and Raymond Marble, who think THEY are the filthiest people alive, send a spy to find out where Divine lives. Once they get the information, they send Babs a gift wrapped turd, they send police on to Babs' birthday party, and burn down her trailer. When Babs finds out where the Marbles are, she tracks them down, Castrates her butler, and takes them back to their trailer where she executes them in front of three tabloid reporters. Divine, Cotton, and Crackers then decide to hitchhike to Boise, Idaho. The last scene is Divine chewing and gagging on dog shit.