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Moon Over Georgia

Baby there you were
The queen of Country life
What would you do with me
especially in your city life

I saw you there on occasion
From afar I watched you there
For me to even talk to you
Would be simply amazin

All the time I often thought
There's no way for me with you
until the day you were distraught
And in my country manner I said

Mamm he's like water slippin through
your finger tips as he surfed on off
I could see how upset you was
Sitting there all alone in thought

He had your heart and soul
and me, well a few words of wit
Somehow they got your attention
and with me you began to sit

You shared your soul and I did too
we spoke of life and love and bein blue
of how our loved ones hurt us so
and learnin to live again

I spoke of beauty yet untold
in verse I let my life unfold
You said it was simply amazin
that another could use words like him

Here I was an ole country boy
a simple life with few joys
but soon the minutes turned into hours
as we passed the time away

Each minute I spent with you
was always better than the last
before I knew what what I was doin
I was head over heels in love with you

You made me laugh, you made me cry
sometimes all I could do was sigh
We saw good times and a lot of bad
Being apart always left me sad

All I knew I wanted then, was you
I spoke of the Moon and of the stars
and how bright and beautiful they are
out here in the clean night air

These Georgia nights, out in the country
The whipporwills, and crickets singin
the sounds of a distant lonely owl
The quiet, peaceful ways of life

That was far from what you imagined
a city girl with a country heart
cuz soon you found that what you imagined
is what Country Life is all about

Little did I know or expect
that little by little you would regress
And take this ole Country boy
and his big bright moon over Georgia

I ain't got a Big ole South Georgia mansion
just dirt roads and lots of trees
a modest and humble country home at best
but still you put me to the test

A city girl out in the country
I'm sure you never imagined that
no noise, no cars, no insane crowds
just me and you, and my Georgia moon and stars

Like ones I see deep in your Hazel eyes
the way they blink, sparkle, and shine
with a Smile as big as Texas
and a giggle that drives this ole boy wild.

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