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Volume II • Issue 2


December 2001: Christmas in West Virginia

In December 2001, Lani (my darling sister), Dale (my darling sister's significant other), Eddie (my friend) and I visited West Virginia to see some of the family. It was good to see everyone around Christmastime, and we even saw a few inches' snowfall while there! Below you'll find some family photographs from the all-too-short trip.

Three McComases:
Patrick, Dennis (Dad) and Lani in Dad's living room.

Eddie Spaghetti and Pattykins:
Eddie and Patrick in Dad's living room,
December 2001.

Kingery-McComas Family Portrait:
from left front Helen (Mamaw), Phyllis (Aunt Sissy), Lani, Tom (Papaw) and Patrick at Christmastime in
West Virginia.
The Music Man:
clockwise from top left Papaw, Lani, Patrick and Mamaw gathered in Milton, where Papaw played bluegrass music while listeners cut a rug.
Lani and Dale in Dad's living room on the snowy day
we left our trip.


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