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Volume II • Issue 2


March 2002: Adventures in London

From March 6 to March 12, 2002, my friend Eddie and I visited London, England, on holiday. We had a blast seeing a number of the more touristy things that London has to offer, and the weather provided us the opportunity to walk the city streets in awe.

I have a habit of snapping shots of everything in sight, especially with the new digital camera Eddie purchased for the trip. Many of the shots we took display the spectacular architecture of the city's buildings. The trip was truly magical, an unforgettable journey for me, and I have Eddie to thank for all of it. Also, I want to thank Marty and Ben, the couple with whom we stayed while there. They made it possible for us to see London with a more personal touch, and I am most grateful. Thanks to Marty and Ben!

Below you will find some snapshots of our adventures in London. Some of the photos are rather large, so please be patient while they load. ENJOY!

Buckingham Palace (March 7)

In the off-season, the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham takes place only every other day at 11:00 a.m. Knowing our luck, guess which day we visited?

London Bus (March 6)

One of the famous London buses. I only rode the bus once, but Eddie had the pleasure of riding it for a two-hour jaunt home after a night of debauchery in the Soho section of town.

Marty's Neighborhood (March 6)

Marty and Ben live in a borough of London named Barnet. It was a turn of the century neighborhood, with rows and rows of classic-looking townhouses and quaint shops. Of course, this describes a good bit of London, especially to a provincial person like myself. Suffice it to say, the neighborhood was pretty. As you can see, in several of these photos, the cherry trees and daffodils in the city were in full bloom while we were there.

Marty's Place (March 6)

Marty and Ben live above an antiques shop on Friern Barnet Road (the middle townhouse with the dishes jutting out). The three-floor apartment was comfortable and unique.

Buckingham — Victoria Statue (March 7)

Eddie and Patrick at Queen Victoria's statue, Buckingham Palace.

Green Park (March 7)

Green Park, according to Ben, is the largest inner city green space in London. Located adjacent to Buckingham, the park was clean, immaculately groomed, and swarming with gorgeous daffodils. It was a stunning sight on a beautiful, blue sky day in London.

Big Ben and House of Parliament (March 7)

Interestingly enough, we learned that Big Ben is actually the bell inside the tower that houses the clock. The tower stands at one end of the House of Parliament, which is the building with spires to the left of the tower in the photograph.

Big Ben (March 7)

Another view of Big Ben, from a closer position.

Big Ben and London Eye (March 7)

A view of Big Ben, House of Parliament and London eye from Westminster Abbey. So many wonderful things were located within walking distance of one another. Riding the tube and walking was our desired method of travel, especially considering the amazing weather the city experienced while we were there.

British Museum (March 8)

Patrick and Eddie outside the British Museum, one of numerous museums in London. The British Museum features the largest collection of Egyptian antiquities, which interested us. We spent several hours at the museum and only explored about 1/4 of the entire collection.

St. James Palace from St. James Park (March 7)

A view of St. James Palace from the beautiful St. James park located between the palace and Buckingham. It was a stunning walk with gorgeous trees, a peaceful lake and incredible views.

Tower of London (March 11)

A city and amazing sight, the Tower of London is the sight of the original city of London and location of the incarceration and execution of numerous famous (some infamous) historical figures.

Tower of London (March 11)

Eddie and Patrick stand on Bloody Tower, in the Tower of London, with Tower Bridge in the background. The bridge is a classic symbol for the city.

Lyceum Theater (March 9)

Marty, Ben, Eddie and I attended a London performance of "The Lion King," the award-winning musical adapted from the Disney film. The costumes, staging and performances were all brilliant. It's easy to see why the show has become a sensation, both here and overseas. The play is a semi-permanent fixture of the Lyceum Theater, located in London's theater district.

Highgate Cemetery (March 9)

A busy burial site at Highgate Cemetery, in the Highgate district of town. Karl Marx was one of the famous people buried here. It was amazing to see how full the cemetery was. Headstones seemed to be piled on top of one another.

Windsor Castle (March 10)

Gardens decorating a dry moat at Windsor Castle, the largest inhabited Castle in the world. It was a blustery, cold and wet day to be touring an outdoor environment, but we persevered.

Surrounding Windsor Castle (March 10)

Sport parks and golf holes surround one side of Windsor Castle's walls. Notice the Thames river, which ran through the city of Windsor, at the foot of the castle.

British Museum (March 8)

These various Egyptian statues were one of my favorite parts of the British Museum collection. Most items were carbon-dated at 1,000 B.C. or before.

London Aquarium (March 7)

The old County building was transformed into the London Aquarium only a few years before our visit. The aquarium was quite impressive, but anyone who has visited the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga won't find this one as impressive. Also housed in the County building was a museum featuring a Dali exhibit.

London eye 1 (March 7)

A view from the London eye, a 425-foot tall observation structure shaped like a Ferris Wheel.

London eye 2 (March 7)

Another view of London through the structure of the eye. The eye was built for the millennium festivities in the city, but it became such a popular tourist attraction, the city decided to keep it operational.

London eye 3 (March 7)

A third view of London from the eye. The eye, built by British Airways, provided some amazing views of the city. I was quite surprised to see as many tall buildings as there are along the London skyline.

Fountains at Trafalgar (March 7)

Impressive statues, beautiful architecture and fountains (as well as hordes of pigeons) dot the landscape at Trafalgar Square, a favorite tourist spot.

Eddie and Patty at Trafalgar (March 7)

After a short struggle, I was able to sit with Eddie atop
this lion statue at Trafalgar Square.

Eddie & Ben at Westminster

Eddie and Ben standing near the exit from Westminster Abbey. The church is so large that it was virtually impossible to capture it in one snapshot.

College Garden at Westminster Abbey

Eddie and Patrick in College Garden, a private community garden connected to the Abbey. Surrounding the garden were numerous private residences, each unique and beautiful.


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