In these table, I list the cock pigeon's genetic
contribution down the left side and the hen pigeon's across the
Let's take a:
Homozygous Ash-red Cock
a wild-type Hen (+.)
(In this case, wild-type means any blue/black hen, pattern
+ |
. |
BA |
BA//+ |
BA. |
BA |
BA//+ |
BA. |
Youngsters bred from this mating will be 100% ash-red
The 50% which are cocks will be heterozygous
(BA//+). Phenotypically, these are often splotched with black
fleck marks throughout the flights, tail and plumage and these increase in
number as the birds age.
The cock's contribution is read top to bottom on the left side of
the table. In this case, BA and
The hen's is read right to left across the top of the table. In this
+ and .Theoretical expectations for progeny are
figured by putting whatever intersects at a particular location into the
boxes left over. I am using a dot (.) to indicate the small tag a hen
has. One more thing. Wild-type is always referred to. If
I'm discussing dilution, it means the wild-type condition to that or intense
coloration. If I'm discussing Indigo, it means the wild-type condition
to that or non-indigo. If I'm discussing pearl eyes, it means the wild-type
condition to that or orange eyes, and so on.
Dilution (d)
Sex-linked recessive
Wild-type cock x dilute hen
(color immaterial)
+//+ x d.
Expectations: 50% Heterozygous dilute
50% wild-type hens
Thus all cocks from this mating will be intense colored but carry dilution.
All hens from this mating will be intense colored and NOT carry dilution.
Heterozygous dilute cock x dilute hen
(color immaterial)
+//d x d.
Expectations: 25% Heterozygous dilute cocks
25% Wild-type hens
25% dilute cocks
25% dilute hens
Homozygous dilute cock x wild-type hen
(color immaterial)
d//d x +.
Expectations: 50% heterozygous dilute cocks
50% dilute hens.
Thus: all hens from this mating will be dilutes:
all cocks will carry dilute.
Heterozygous dilute cock x wild-type hen
(color immaterial)
+//d x d.
Expectations: 25% Homozygous wild-type cocks
25% Wild-type hens
25% Heterozygous cocks, carrying dilution
25% dilute hens
above tables work no matter what the color of the bird - e.g:
- an almond cock (wild-type) mated to a dun (dilute) hen.
- an ash-red cock carrying dilution (Heterozygous dilute cock) mated
to cream bar (dilute) hen.
- a yellow (homozygous dilute cock) mated to an ash-red (wild-type)
- a black cock carrying dilution (Heterozygous dilute cock)
mated to a recessive red (wild-type) hen.