Frank Mosca: Pigeons & Pigeon Genetics

More Great Shots of Feral Pigeons
courtesy of Bill Schmoker

All photos copyright Bill Schmoker and used with permission

One of the great things about these shots is that they show aspects of feather placement and usage that many static shots of show pigeons don't.  Also, just from an esthetic point of view, they are absolutely gorgeous. I've purposely put in these feral pages so folks could begin to see that even the wild pigeon (Columba livia) can be beautiful.  This bird was photographed in Colorado.


Feral dark check in flight

Feral T-pattern check (checker, chequer) coming in for a landing. Note that you can easily tell this is not a black (genetic factor Spread) because you can see the tail band.

I've linked all photos to Bill's photography site.

All photos copyright Bill Schmoker and used with permission



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