Dec. '97 at Dr. Willard F. Hollander's in Ames, Iowa
Left to Right:
Ken Davis, Claremont CA Almondator" - Birmingham Breeder
W. F. Hollander, Ames IA, Geneticist par excellence
Frank Mosca, Montclair CA - Racers, Calif. Color Pigeons
J.P. Isom - Thousand Oaks CA - Birminghams; Chinese Nasal Tufts; Oriental Rollers
John Skistimas - Oak Grove MO, Birminghams; Oriental Rollers
photo of W.F. Hollander & others

Bob & Bertie Eaton

Bob Eaton is one of the top racing pigeon geneticists around. He was responsible for creating a family that included barless, browns, indigos, almonds, fadeds, reduced, recessive reds, and others. All these birds flew. I still have a reduced check hen in my loft that I received as a squeaker in 1996 from Bob and that bird has been to the 600 miles station three times now. Bertie, too, has been a top flyer in southern California for many, many years.

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