I love pigeons. I bet you do too or you wouldn't be at this site.
However, there ARE other magnificent birds and flying things in the world and this page is just to keep that fact in perspective.
Wood Duck Drake (N. America)
Aix sponsaLinked to Ducks Unlimited
Ocellated Turkey (Mexico-Central America) Agriocharis ocellataLinked to N. Amer. Game Bird Asso.
Nankin male (India - domestic fowl)
Gallus gallus
Linked to Feathersite - great poultry site.
Seychelles Blue Pigeon (Seychelles Island) Alectroenas pulcherrima
Linked to International Dove Society
House Finch male (N. America)
Carpodacus mexicanus (I think)
Linked to American Audubon Soc.
Hooded Merganser drake (N. America)
Lophodytes cucullatus
Linked to the Canadian Nature Fed.
Jambu Fruit Dove - male, Ptilinopus jambu
Copyright by Honolulu Zoo, all rights reserved. Used by permission.
Linked to Honolulu Zoo
(Picazuro Pigeon) Argentina. Photo by B. K. Schmidt. Copyrighted by the Smithsonian Institution. Used by permission
Photo linked to the Smithsonian page where I found it.
American Kestral male (N. America)
Falco sparvarius
Linked to North American Falconers Asso.
Dragonfly - species unknown.
Linked to NW Federation
African Crowned Crane Balearica pavonina
Linked to the International Crane Foundation
American Wigeon or Baldpate (Anas americana)
Spoonbill Platalea ajaja