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A Little Piece of Beauty

A little piece of beauty that comes together to form the sands. A little piece of beauty like the twinkling of her golden hands. She shines bright on me, she reaches out her hands wrapping herself around me. Touching me in ways and places only she can, holding me tight making me feel strange.

Taking me to a place where nothing feels quite the same. That's it my little piece of beauty replacing all the pain. Eyes deep as the sea, they pierce completely through me. Taking me in their grasp holding my concentration totally. And with a smile that almost always seems to kill me. Holding my gaze but somehow setting me free.

I feel I can lose myself in her slowly like the warm embrace of unconsciousness I slowly drift. When she looks in my eyes does she se me openly? No I don't think so, she's never seen the true me. But she's still my baby girl my little piece of beauty.

I feel her, I hear her all before I can see. I feel it deep inside and my mind wonders to think. What does she really think of me? Will I ever find out, will I ever be able to see? Yes, yes one day. But for now she's just another part of me.

Marcus Reese