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Am I In Control?

I was once told that you are the architect of your own imprisonment. If that is so, does that mean that my life seems so dark cause I choose to turn the lights out? Do I unconsciously enjoy being alone? Walking a path all by myself, not letting anyone in and not letting anything go? Never really allowing anyone to ever really touch me. Not opening up the book in my mind so that those who care can read my feelings and thoughts.

My heart, mind, body and soul all locked away from each other so that I never feel whole and things are so far spread apart. Guarded so well that sometimes I feel even I cant truly get in. Did someone turn the lights off or did I put myself to sleep again? I don’t know but I've got to find a way to wake myself from this dream. Who is controlling this who weaves this dream?

So perfectly that I feel this is truly the life I lead. To get out of this cell and finally be free that's what I want. But I’m starting to believe, that I've lost the key and that I’m locked in my own jail my nightmare’s dream. This must be my own imprisonment a sentence of solitude and despair.

So silently I stare quieting my mind so that my thoughts may reappear. Wanting so badly to see another's face but all I see is the wall and think I'm a basket case! But yet I stare and stare to a time where the wall is no longer there just the good times and of the sweet days with out these walls and the cement and these bars.

Oh how precious life was and I can’t help but see what time does to me. Cause this is the day I reminisced about my jail cell and the part of me that will forever be locked inside to rock and roll feeling the cold. Then the answer comes to my mind Am I In Control? The answer is yes and no. I am led in life and I myself choose the path i want to take.

One Love

Marcus Reese