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Day Dream

Where are you my love for you I seek? Where are you my love, why don't you speak? Where are you my love, I do not see. Come to me let us share our love equally. Are you lost above the stars or shipwrecked at sea? Even though you are not here to feel my touch, your face I creep to see. On this clear moonlit night the wind brings whispers of you in wisps of smoke searching for me.

The image of your after thought a beacon of hope in the distant night's sleep. Ghostly haunting me, your form shines florescent like the vast galaxies. Steadily and unquestionably your light shines ever bright and rains down on me. As constant and sure as your spectral image walks with me. So I spin a daydream of us beneath a tree.

One such night as beautiful as thee. A star filled sky sparkling silver & white is still incomparable to your eyes as our energies interact and we finally begin to see. The smile of all smiles you try to hide. But when together such a thing you could never resist to give to me. Your smile radiating magical light all mixed together comes out white. Like a special dust spread about like some sort of fairy mist.

Skin so dark and light like something cinnamon-coated, sunburned and hid in shadow just right. There's something mystical about you and I may never find out what it is cause its like day turning to night. Unending you seems to be. You never stop to amaze me so you have me smiling constantly. On and on forever and ever I know you will be. Even after I am gone you will pass on to become someone else's daydream, but will they love you as much as me?

Marcus Reese