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The Fyre of One’s Mind

I walk with a silent Power all my own a power that eludes itself burning so that its touch freezes the blood. Eyes ablaze with the bluest blaze, flowing in a trail of intangible power from these eyes. Lit with the pain and love that I always seem to find stuck inside. Living a life so real, a life that I know is so powerful to feel.

Cause you know that your life is real when the pain you have becomes so beautiful that those around you feel it. It radiates from you and they can see it in your tears. This is what it means to share your love and give your pain so freely that some may fear.

It’s a hard life to live. One of being totally free and real, well at least as much as one imperfect can be. But the reward is peace within yourself and happiness is what you feel from all the love you give and get. But on the down side are those on the opposite side of the field, those that play games and give you the hurt you so often find yourself feeling.

Even with all of this you learn to accept all theses things in life. The fire that engulfs your mind and the burning touch of everyone you’ve ever truly let inside. And you understand that there inside you is a power so intense that it’s like fyre to the mind so much that your emotions reel and your thoughts make more sense

. Tears are aloud to come to your eyes purely upon the feel. Pain touches your nerves when no one is near and love floods your heart before the gates are even opened for life to reveal. Fiery words come unbidden to your mind and bite like a piercing so real. And your whole body’s nerves tingle to the touch of something you don’t even really feel.

In your mind a constant thunder rolls and the sound you hear is the music of a soul an identifiable symbol but not one to be sold on a cd dvd or cassette for this is the essence of your soul. Everyone’s pain so real and love so bold. All seen heard or felt so intense it burns like the fyre of life was meant to be cold.

So I say this, a flame so white and blue is my soul, and so intense and bright is it that I wish it upon everyone I know, hoping so much that they can feel the love and pain that brings such anguish to my soul. The fyre inside my heart and mind is truly a gift meant to define.

Me and who I am and what I hope to one day find. The evidence is in my words and the trail of myself it leaves behind. How much it burns into the windows of your soul and frees your mind. One Love, my love is but one of a kind. Much love I wish to you all, My love, My pain, My life. Its meaning wasn’t hard for me to find.

Marcus Reese