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Questions Still To Be

Where do my thoughts come from? How do I understand what I see? My mind just comes up with words to these problems unseen. Understanding to many questions I haven’t asked yet and many of the things still yet to be. I don’t truly understand that one thing but I know it’s hidden within me. Words appearing at the spur of the moment and if not saved or written down vanish magically. Then when called upon to return don’t seem as deep or meaningful to me. Are these the answers to my questions that I’ve never before seen? Questions like what does my life really mean. Maybe I’ll never know, until I answer the question held within my soul. The first and last one I must strive to let go. Take my final step and let death take hold. And still I wonder when will the end truly be mine to behold? Does it end with the destruction of earth or does it end when my soul finally and utterly lets go...............

One Love
