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Will You Remember Me?

Sometimes I sit back and wonder. When I part with this world and am no longer here, will people allow my memory to fade in their mind? If you could stand outside of time and see what your life would have been without me would you miss all the time we spent? The words we shared and all the pain we beared? Would you remember me wholely, or the way you wish it could have been? Will I hold a special place in your heart and mind. Would you constantly wish I were alive?

Would you remember all the love I've shown? How I always believe that you ultimately reap what you sow? What about the way that I think, would you miss listening you me? My voice and the passion with which I lived? The legacy I wished so much to leave. But I don't know if that will ever be, cause it seems words just aren't enough for me, and there are just some people my mind can't reach.

You may have never known me, as a matter of fact I'm sure of it. You probably never knew cause I simply never told it. So what will you say about me and my legacies when I die? Matter of fact that’s not even so much the big question it’s a more of a why?