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As Two Stars Cry

I slowly bring my eyes down from the sight of an endless starry sky to the image of your dreamy eyes. Your face silhouetted by the moon’s light while the shadows fall over us as if the night cries. I hold you in my arms and squeeze you tightly. You the only girl that I’ve ever wanted to understand my fright, and the power that lays hidden in my mind. You the one who I want to feel my pain but still love me just the same. I feel your embrace as we lay in the grass surrounded by the endless scarlet night.

So silently I share my pain with you, all that threatens to end my life. And so suddenly I shed a single tear. And I cant help but wonder what’s wrong with this image in my mind. Then it hits me; there’s never been anyone else with which I’ve shared so much of myself. And I’m crying over you, a woman I simply just want so much to love.

But as I come out of my thoughts the tear you shed is all but lost. In that moment, all at the same time each other’s feelings we welcome inside. I can’t help but feel the warmth the two of us generate. The love you’ve shown just through the tear on your face. A deep breathe I intake but the pain never goes away.

Instead as we sit there there’s just the image of romance and passion we make. Frozen in time we form a picture to describe more then ten thousand words it would take. In that moment I let you in and in a gesture of love and trust answer the question I wish so much to be true.

Unquestionably you want and need me for me. Something it takes a special love to do. All these thoughts passing with the shed of a tear, an embrace and the release of my fears. We are lost forever in each other’s quake, reverberating in the second of a breathes intake. A moment in time that we’ll never replace. So that whenever I think back on this night I will remember the love that shone so bright the unforgettable night two stars cried.

One Love

Marcus Reese