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Sleep Walking

I'm lost in total darkness, wandering all by my self, just trying to find my way through life. I feel like I'm dead living a life that's no longer mine, caught somewhere between life and something else. There's hardly any sensation here just a dull freezing ache. I can't feel anything but cold and the wind as it hit my wet face. I feel like a wraith barely seen but definitely and always felt. Not saying much and not having to, moving like myst, silent but with an unspoken power.

Cloaked in a voided blackness threatening you to come in quietly and see what the darkness and pain is all about. Seeing two worlds all at one time. Life, death a product of each other, linked forever but flowing only one way. But for some reason I can always go back and forth but never truly entering either world.

Stuck in the middle cause I want to go both ways and at the same time held there because neither one seems to want me. Am I doomed to be stuck in the middle? To live each day but die every night? Never speaking a word but thinking so much I believe I've lost my mind's sight. When all I want to do is lay down to rest where there's both darkness and light. Yearning for the peace of sweet death and at the same time just dying to live this life. So I can’t help but contemplate is Sleep Walking my final test?