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My Bio

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Me Im am a very dynamic person, one of those straight laid back, cool, just overall fun to be around type of people. I like having fun and being around fun people or else why be around people you don't like if you don't have to?Im very ambitious and I have alot, almost too many goals in life.My greatest fear has always been to never become anything so it is one thing that's not about to happen.Im the very mature and intelligent type and very passionate about many things. Very loving and blunt, a good listener and the type that loves to help my people out and try to be there for them when they need me. I love to learn because that is alot of what I believe life is about. Basically I know who and what I am so I don't trip or harp on other people because I know what Im about and how things really go down at any given time.

Once again there is alot to me , Im a really honest and blunt person so if you don't want to know there is no reason to ask.I dont like beating around the bush and playing games or hurting people because I know what I'm capable of.I'm very goal oriented and have big things plans,which makes it harder for some of those that have material motives or no real goals for that is something I can not stand by. A person of that type would get cut off from me as quickly as they show it. I believe that I should add to people and they will add to me. Im a firm believer that you will never meet someone by just chance. There is a reason you were supposed to interact with that person. So in believing that I must thank you for taking the time to even at a seconds look at my work, my passions, ambitions and loves. In all such seen and even those things left unseen for now I am very much beyond my years.

One Love Mr.Reese

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