W e l c o m e    T o    M y    H o m e p a g e    O n    T h e    I n t e r n e t
I've got Gig Speed internet - thanks to the new AT&T Gigabit Fiber - but it's only 1.0 Gig upload and 400 Meg download - ....Watch Out...
- MAIN SITE- > "Etop-Udoh.Com" < -MAIN SITE -
- BACKUP SITE- > "Www.Angelfire.com/Ga3/Sdruid" < -BACKUP SITE -
- MOTO- > If I Can Figure Out How It Works I Can Probably Fix It < - MOTO -
...Under Investigation by the Bureau since early 90's and still have wiretaps and bugs on my phones and computers... !!! Don't ever get in trouble folks !!!
... I am a Disabled Citizen of the United States of America and being discriminated against by the citizens of the USA as noted by American Disabilities Act and can be CONFIRMED by the known wiretaps and surveillance conducted by law enforcement agencies of the United States Of America since and before my actual investigation began until current so all communications of all types have been monitored and recorded by the known Agencies —— Identity Theft has been going on the past several months and probably actually began last March 2023. All electronic accounts and items have been hacked or known hacked including email accounts, computers, phones and anything requiring internet access and communication so beware….

This was several months ago so this is not recent - I couldn't say anything but my sister whom you met took a whole bag of the medicine I was currently taking out of my room and didn't return it so I could have been out of medicine completely at that time. She was fighting me at that time and almost broke down my door. You will see a dent in my door to prove how desperate she was to cause me harm. She happened to show you my medicine at that time which is how I remembered that bag of medicine was still gone. She smokes her thing also or used to ...mariquana weed or tobacco thing sometimes as well so I keep a distance. My sister seemed to have my info at the time since my phone had been hack and was able to get some information out. I got my phone locked up now I had been going thru identity theft thru my family… sister and brother who were both here at that time and hacking my phone….

My brother came from out of town and using the contacts he had…. He was here last week or so… The above a little transcripts from the message I sent to seemingly friends who were trying to prescribe medication for me and met my sister a few Days ago and I wouldn’t give them my information when they were trying to contact my pharmacy. They left a voicemail with the pharmacy instead Of talking to a pharmacist directly.

My sister of course owes me close to $20,000 which includes $15,000 and the rest my computer equipment which she has thrown away and refused To replace. The $15,000 was from a school loan reimbursement judgment which I got as a result of a class action lawsuit and too big to deposit Using my phone…. I haven’t seen that money again and that was many months ago since I was sort of afraid to leave the house and she put the money In her own bank account and never gave me any of it. Haven’t seen any of it and she claimed to be fixing up my moms other house with the money And that she would repay me….

She also took the family inheritance money after each death that I know of and maybe my other brother in California claimed the other saying that it Was their right because they had some say so in taking care of my parents during their last days since I was too sick to contribute or say anything. The amount range in the hundreds of thousands in both cases minimum and some others still not known or accounted for.

My sister has been trying to sell my mothers house which I’m currently living in and my other brothers try to take the house as well and force me to move elsewhere into government subsidies housing. Threatening me of course…. My brother in California of course claiming he has lawyer experience (to force me out while I’m still paying rent) and brother in Chicago claiming he can make decisions for me and coming to check on this house from time to time…

My sister is supposed to have or be living in my mom’s other house not far from here and was renting it not too long ago. For all I know from overhearing an argument over the phone she could have lost that house and not told me. She has had continued arguments with creditors which I’ve overheard so I’m not really sure what’s going on of anything. She interviewed for several jobs here which is all remember and got a credit card in the mail here not knowing if she still get mail at a different location or at the other house. I also think I noticed an Attempt to become me via identity theft and changing my personal information and putting it on a different person and being that person.

I tried to to apply for credit line increases and there’s an onslaught on requests already and notices on my credit report to verify everything after using a second credit reporting agency. I think a lot of my mail might have been intercepted and redirected at the post office and suddenly mail would just show up and don’t know if I missed Anything that I didn’t expect to come. - thank you for your cooperation !!

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Quick Computer Technology Tips

New Printers

I suppose some of you may have been in the market for a new printer and have discovered that
you have to be really specific and detailed now in what you purchase.
The new thing is that some of the newer printers only work with certain computers or laptops
now, especially Apple or MacOS.
If you have an older Mac then your Desktop or laptop will not work with a newer printer unless
of course it can install and run the latest MacOS or something close to it
otherwise you are just out of luck and have to buy a new Mac computer.

With Windows you are usually fine except for the problem of finding drivers for your specific
desktop or laptop.

So Windows is a bit more flexible and usually supports most printers except for the really old ones.

So, watch out and don't get rid of your old printer unless you have a good reason to or you just can't
find drivers for it or it's not supported at all.

Old Monitors

Some of you may have older vga or hdmi moitors laying around for emergencies but you may discover that they might not work when hooked to a newer pc either Mac or Windows. Yep, you usually get the "Scan out of range" error message or "Resolution out of range" error message. So those monitor will probably only work on an older PC or Mac unfortunately and may actually be totally useless to you. So check your old monitors or even tv's with vga or hdmi ouput because they might be just taking up valuable space for nothing.