Needles: My Addiction

In the beginning, god created needles.

I was 14 and I was going to get my nails done. I saw a piercing shop next door to the nail place and jokingly said to my mother "Hey why don't you just take me to get my tongue pierced instead?" Her reply? "Go see if anyone's there to do it." There was someone there to do it.

I walked in, my mother filled out the paper work and I was told to wait while the piercer got the room ready. I was so nervous and scared and I felt like I was going to faint. Finally, he comes back and asks me to follow him. First, I rinsed my mouth out with mouth wash. I came back and sat on the little table. "Stick your tongue out and don't worry about drool. Everyone drools." Um.. all right ... lets get this damn thing over with. He wiped my tongue off and marked it with some sort of pen. He clamped it (that was the worst part), told me to take a deep breath in, and let it out. When I let it out, he had stuck the needle through. I didn't feel anything but something pushing down on my tongue. He put the jewelry in and I closed my mouth. Ahh it felt awesome. When we were all done, my mother took me to get some ice and I kept my poor holey tongue all iced up for 3 days. I cleaned it twice a day and it healed nicely. And so the obsession began.

I returned no more than 3 months later to get it pierced a second time. I had extra cash and nothing to do with it so I figured "what the hell?". There was a little pain this time because the needle nicked the web on the bottom of my tongue ... but I didn't care. I cared for it as I had the first and it healed most excellently as well. The obsession continues.

On my 15th birthday, not even 2 months after having the second hole in my tongue, I decided I wanted my labret done. I'd seen them before and thought they were most adorable. I finally get back to the piercing room. My mother wouldn't allow me to have a long spike, which was what I wanted, so I settled with a dome spike, flat back. He wiped my lip, marked it, clamped it, and began. I could feel the needle tear through my lip and it felt like a bee sting. He unclamped it, put the jewelry in, and I went to check it out. It was throbbing with pain but I absolutely adored it. It remains my favorite piercing to this day. And ... it continues.

My mother said I could have NO MORE piercings. Of course, I always got what I wanted anyway. So I wore her down and on my 16th birthday, we went to get my left eyebrow pierced. We went to a different place this time and I was pretty nervous because I had gotten used to my "old piercer" and he was so friendly. This new guy was all right ... he wasn't the friendliest guy but I went ahead and let him pierce me anyway. The clamps on my eyebrow hurt like HELL. The needle itself didn't hurt too bad ... and I was happy with the results. I had it pierced with a 16 gauge banana barbell. On we go...

Three months after my right brow piercing, I wanted the left to match. Sort of... I wanted a captive bead ring in the left. So I returned to the piercer who pierced my right brow and he stuck me again. It was pretty much the same as the last brow piercing but the ring hurt when he put it in. More needles, anyone?

I got bored one night a couple of weeks after having my right brow pierced and took a piercing earring to my nose. Oh the pain. Your nose is such a thick piece of skin and all the nerves in it ... it's horrible ... but I did it anyway it healed nicely using a little alcohol and some saline solution. On to the most recent.

I saw some piercing kits up for auction on an online auction site and decided to buy one, they were pretty cheap so I didn't have much to lose. I bought a lip piercing kit. When it arrived, I was pretty excited. I went straight to the bathroom and started following the directions. Everything went fine, I got the needle through with a little pain and went to put the jewelry in. The damn CBR wouldn't go through. I tried and tried and tried with no success. I gave up... a couple hours later, I made myself try again. Same thing happened. I couldn't get the damn jewelry in. I went to bed pissed at myself. The next day, I swore to myself I wasn't going to give up and I was going to pierce my damn lip. Stuck the needle through, got the jewelry halfway in and couldn't get it all the way through the inside of my lip. I was so pissed I got a steak knife and cut my lip make a larger hole so I could force the jewelry through. Oh that was some damn pain. I almost fainted but it didn't matter because I pierced my lip dammit! So it was done, and has since healed very nicely. I've had it checked by a professional and he said I did a very good job on it and it surprised him.

The only real problem I've had with piercings was my left brow. My eyebrow wasn't to fond of having metal stuck in it so it slowly pushed it out. I had to go get it re-pierced and it seems to be doing rather well. I plan on having my tongue done again because to me, the feeling of the needle going through your tongue is like no other you will ever experience. I love it. My next piercings will probably be my nipples. I'm rather scared to do that but I'm sure I'll get over it.