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Sample Daily Schedule

7 am- Wake-Up!!
8 am- Breakfast
9:15 am- Tactical Training Session
11 am- Skill Training(Fast Footwork)
12:15 pm- Lunch
1 pm- Soccer Film/Competitions
2:30 pm- Small-Sided Games
5:30pm- Dinner
6:45pm- Evening Matches
9 pm- Swimming
10:30pm - Bed Check and Lights Out
Sweet Dreams of Soccer!!

The Training Regimen-Advanced Instruction
Campers will spend the majority of their field sessions either playing 11-a-side, 6-a-side, indoor soccer, or microsoccer- a new concept of 3 versus 3 emphasizing an abundance of individual touches on the ball. Players will also receive advanced ball skills training. Coaches and collegiate players will demonstrate fast footwork techniques and dozens of creative exercises to make skill repetition more varied, competitive and exciting.

The Camp Bank and Camp Store
Campers will have a day and evening filled with SOCCER! There is downtime between sessions to allow for rest, recovery and a break from the heat. The Camp Store is located in the camper dormitory and is stocked with small food and drink items. Campers may visit the store during down time and may secure their spending money in the camp bank at registration.

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