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General Paul Jones Semmes

Born:June 4, 1815
Died:July 10, 1863

He was born at Mountford's Plantation, Wilkes County, Georgia.

He attended the University of Virginia. He is listed on the honor roll among 445 former students who gave their lives during the War Between the States.

He returned to Georgia after graduation to become a banker and planter near Columbus. He also actively interested himself in the state militia, serving as captain of the Columbus Guards from 1846 until 1861.

At the outbreak of the War Between the States, he was elected Colonel of the 2nd Georgia Infantry and took his regiment to Virginia. Promoted brigadier general the following spring, to rank from March 11, 1862, he participated in Magruder's defense of Yorktown and Williamsburg, and also served in Magruder's division at the battle of Seven Pines.

During the Seven Days battles his command was attached to McLaw's division of Longstreet's corps, with gallant servic at Crampton's Gap and Sharpsburg.

His brigade aided in the defense of Marye's Heights at the battle of Fredericksburg, and was present with McLaws at Salem Church during the Chancellorsville campaign.

During Longstreet's attack against the Round Tops on the second day at Gettysburg, General Semmes was mortally wounded(July 2, 1863). He was conveyed across the Potomac in an ambulance to Martinsburg, (West)Virginia, before the retreat of the main army, he died there and was temporarily buried. His remains were later interred in Linnwood Cemetery, Columbus, Georgia.

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