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Invisible Man

Tracy's Idea

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Into The Light/The Dean

For You

When The Sun Shines

Couch Potato

Fitting In


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The Story Behind:
"Fitting In"

I wrote this one after a not so perfect day.

I was playing my acoustic guitar one day, fooling around with capoed chords, and I put my capo on the fourth fret and started playing a little progression using C and Am (E and C#m in first position). Soon, it worked itself into a full-fleged song.

There was just one problem...I had writers block. The lyrics would not come, and this song needed lyrics. So, I just decided to wait it out.

Pretty soon, I got impatient, and recorded the music. I listened to the thing over and over again, trying to get some lyrics. Finally, I put down a lead track and a bass track, but still needed the lyrics.

Enter said bad day. I just sat down and mulled over the song for a while, and they lyrics finally came. I really like this song, although I think that it is not one of my lyrical best. What do you think?

Lyrics for:
Fitting In
When I look back on my life
Will I like what I see?
Are all my past deeds
The real picture of me?
Am I defined
By who I used to be?

Is there a way
To change my destiny?

When people look at me
Do they judge what's in my soul?
Do I fit in
With the images they unfold?
When they question me
Why are their hearts so cold?

Or should I even care
What people think of me?

Or should I even care
What people think of me?

Download Fitting In (Comming Soon!)

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*All Lyrics Copyright © Stephen Jennings (1996-2001)*
Page Contents Copyright © Stephen Jennings (1997-2001)
All Rights reserved