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Adam and Sarah's Webpage

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The way that Sarah has changed my life…

Sarah and I met just a few weeks before homecoming during our senior year of high school. I was immediately attracted to her, but found out shortly afterward that she was dating a very good friend of mine. So I ignored my feelings, and the two of us ended up going to homecoming with different people, but after talking to my friend I realized that he had no real interest in Sarah. At about this point Sarah and I really started falling in love. Every time I saw her I was filled with a type of happiness and joy that I had never experienced before. For the first time in my life I was experiencing true happiness. Every time I saw Sarah we were both glowing with happiness and I knew that God had put us together for a reason. As we started dating I realized just how much Sarah was helping me grow both as a person and as a Christian. My life started changing in dramatic ways. I stopped cussing almost entirely, and with Sarah’s encouragement I began to put more pride into everything I did in my life. Sarah encouraged me to do things I’d never thought I’d do, and surprisingly enough they weren’t nearly as hard as I thought that they would be. Sarah has made a huge impact on my life and has inspired me to become a better person. Although I hope we are together for years to come, I cannot predict the future. I do know, however, that I will always be thankful for the impact that Sarah has made on my life.