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Betraytal Over A Celebrity ~ Chapter 1

Laquaequae,Kiesha, Niphia, and Tiffany are on there way to the mall to go meet B2K at thier autograph signings. They arrived there in Tiffany's iced out, platinum, Minivan. They are just walking in and spot how long the line is.

L: Damn, all these girls like B2K

Tiffany: well the are fine

N: ain't that the truth

K: my favorite has to be Raz-B

L:Pssshhh! Mine is J-boog.

N: the cutest is Omarion

T: The cutest is Lil' Fizz

They kept on talking letting the time pass them by. One by one they let fans in. Just as they reached the crew the guard says"sorry ladies, B2K has left.

K: can't you give us a chance to talk to them in their tour bus?

The Guard: NO!

The crew walked out of the mall with their heads down and their smiles into frowns.

L: Damn the only time we meet B2K is at front row center at their concerts, which is no good cause they never come our way.

N: Maybe it just-

Niphia was cut of by the surprise in her eyes.

T: What girl, aren't you going to-

Just then Tiffany turned her head and saw it was B2K walking around the corner then Laquaequae and Kiesha turned their heads trying to see what tiffany and niphia saw.

K: O my goodness, o my gooodnessssss.

N: It is B2K.

The girls walked fastly over there trying no to seem so suspicious.

As soon as they were just 4 meters away from touching B2K Kiesha's boyfriend, Charles, notices her and calls out.

K: What?

Charles: Hey

K: Hey. Got to go

Charles: why?

Kiesha began to get mad, because B2K were starting to get out of site. So she acted like she didn't here jack and kept on walking. Then Charles got mad so he went chasing after her screaming, not yelling, screaming her name.

K: Yaw go ahead and catch up with them, here get their autographs for me.

N: girl, just come with us.

K: you know I love Charles.

The girls went off and Kiesha turned around and started walking towards Charles.

Charles: What the deal?

K: we were trying to get to B2K

Charles: Them fools, Kiesha they don't even care for you. I do.

K: I know.

Charles: com'ere girl.

Kiesha walked over to him in her sexy walk that always seems to turn him on. He gave her kiss and she went a long with it. His hand was rubbing on her behind and the other up the ack of her shirt. Rubbing her back in a sexual matter. Until a scream was heard. Kiesha pushed back and ran down the street to where her girlfriends were at.

Charles: Where you goin'?

K: I will talk to u lata, aiight

Charles walked back mad to his boys who were standin there watchin it like it was a soap opera. Kiesha ran to the spot and saw her girls just standin' there talking to someone that she couldn't see.

L: Oh this is our girl Kiesha, she wasn't here cause she had to take care of some buisness on our way over here.

Raz-B was just eyin' her up and down till something finally came out.

Raz-B: What was the buisness?

K: wha? oh um... I had to straighten somethings out with a friend.

Raz-B: Do you have a boyfriend?


N:Nope, she is single.

Kiesha gave Niphia a strange look that meant, you gonna get my ass in trouble with Charles.

Omarion: How come we didn't see ya'll in thier?

T: we were waitin' but your bodyguard told us ya'll was gone

Lil'Fizz: You know yaw can come up hotel and just chat wit us until it is time to go.

He said makin' passes at Tiffany.

N: aight. What time should we come?

Lil'Fizz: at 5, aight.

The boys gave the girls passes to thier hotel room and everything.

The girls walked away with the biggest smiles. Returning to the mall entrance Charles was waitin' for Kiesha. He saw her come up and approached her.

Charles: Can we talk in my jeep please?

K: aight.

K: I'll see you guys tonight, when I come to pick ya'll up. Be ready.

All together: aight, peace

Kiesha gets into the passenger seat while Charles sits in the driver seat.

Charles: what's up with this whole B2K thang? Now your ignoring me more than ever.

K: I can't help it if i like them so much.

Charles: aight, but it looks like you luv them, cause you pay more attention to them than me.

K: No I don't( she smiled at him, wiht a baby face)

Charles: The why you always get hyped everytime you here they name. Espescially that Raz-B dude.

K: he is just a cutey and you are my luv.

Charles: I love u to.( he jumps into the back seat and zips his pants down.)

K: com'on

Charles: you know what I want

K: but do you know what I want?

Charles: to go down

K:(jokingly) no some B2K concert tickets

Charles: O my got

K: boo i'm just playin

Kiesha crawls back and pulls up her mini skirt and Charles slowly, slyly, perfectly licks her pussie. Kiesha moans and groans, oohs and ahhhs. Just as Kiesha is about to have her orgasm, Charles stops.

K:(brethlessly) why you stop?

Charles: cause it is my turn.

Then Kiesha gets a beep from her girls sayin' they need a ride home.

K: sorry boo but my girls need a ride home.

Charles: how come when it comes to me somone always beeps you or call u all the time.

K: like i said I am really sorry, but i got to go.

Kiesha walks over and greets her friends.

N: i know you were not in the middle of love making session while we were out here waiting.

K: girl just come on.

Kiesha drops them off at their houses and goes to her on to prepare for tonight.

Chapter 2
