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Crazy Things Love Can Do ~ Chapter 2

The Doctors

Three Weeks Lata: Tionna and Druex were spending a lot of time together and so was Omarion and Tamika. But Druex noticed that Tionna had been actin a little bit different as well as fellin different. Whats up wit that? Find out as u read


thanks Mika and Shay, it really means a lot to have you here wit me. And thanks for not sayin nothin to nobody. Tionna said

gurl, u r more than welcome, besides we are best friends, so why would I let you down? Tamika said and gave her a hug

gurl, what is friends there for? You shouldve known wed be here.

shay said pointin to Mika

well Tee-tee, what are you gonna do if you are? mika asked

I dont knoe. And plus I dunno if I even am, all I knoe is that lately Ive been fellin kinda sick and I be hungry all the time. Gurl, I even threw up, so Shay was like go to the doctor. Now that I think about it Im a week late.

oh I see, I wonder what Omarion would do if I got pregnate?

yea, and what Romeo would say Shay said she was goin wit Romeo

lol, yea.. she was interrupted by the nurses call


thats me,she got up nervously

ay, you want us to come wit you? Shay asked

its aight, but thanks fo askin yall

aight, she disappeared down the hall

damn, I feel fo ha, she only 19 and she mite be havin a baby. Mika said

yea, I see what u sayin. But she will deal wit it. I think shell be a good mommy Shay said

Omarion and Dreux

yo, Dreux! Did Tamika call? She aint home?

nope, she wit Tee-tee and Shay. They went to the mall. She called me dis mornin.

aight, you hungry? I want some chinese food, Marion said

yea, lets go get some cuz I want some too aight so they left and drove to the place to get sum food. In the car

ay, tee-tee be actin kinda funnie lately, wut do u think is wrong wit ha? D asked

how? Marion asked

man, its like she be havin them mood swinds or somethin, I dunno its weird

dont worry about it, I use to think the samething about Mika . shell come around, and if somethin is wrong shell let you knoe

aight, I hope u r rite

The Doctors

So Tionna` told the doctor what has happened to her lately and how she had been felling. So she was like it sound like you could be pregnate, lets give you a pegnacy test.

aight, thats okay wit me

the doctor gave it to her and he left out the room. The nurse cam in wit Shay and Mika

sooo mika said

oh he gotta come back and tell me she said

oh shay said jus then, the doctor walked in

hey, ladies how are you?

fine they both said in unison

well Tionna` it turns out that..

Chapter 3
