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Crazy Things Love Can Do ~ Chapter 3

The Good News

well Tionna` it turns out that you are 2 months pregnate. You were right when u thought you were, but I do have one thing that I want to warn you about, do not get stressed out or anything because its bad for the baby as u know that can lead to a miscarriage.

okay, tee-tee said as she listened to the other things that ther doctor was tellin her

well Tionna you an make an appointment for a couple of months later to find out how the baby is doin

okay, thank you doc

well it was nice meetin yall have a nice day she said and closed the door

sooooo are you happy? shay asked?

well yea, I am gone have a baby, I jus dunno what Dreux will say about it

Im sure hell be happy about it aight, dont worry and if he aint yo got us here for you mika said

yea shay said

well lets get up out of here, I dont like the doctors office tee-tee said

okay, they all started laughin and they walked out

so, what do yall wanna do today? Yall hungry?shay asked

yea, lets go get sumthin to eat they both said

aight, lets go to Red Lobster, yall know I love me some shrimp!

aight thats cool wit me mika said me too tee-tee said man, I dont believe this I m gonna have a baby me and druex. They pulled up and parked at RL. It wasnt even that packed for once finally. The waiter seated them and they got their food in no time.

damn tee-tee you sho is eatin a lot shay said

gurl shut up, you knoe she eatin for two now mika said

yall is so crazy tee-tee said

so how is you gone tell Druex? shay asked

I dunno, I might not even tell him jus yet either

well jus take yo time and I hope everything works out for you too aight mika said

they all finished up eatin and left. Tionna opened her apartment door and turned on the lights. Well at least this place is clean she thought. She checked her answerin machine it had 4 messages. The first two was from bill collecters and the 4th one was Druex

tee-tee, where you at gurl? I aint talked to u all day, call me. Luv ya!

he is so sweet and understanding she thought
