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Don't Hate Perticipate ~ Chapter 1

Its friday afternoon and keilay was on da chat. she heard from some gurl that there was going to be a autograph session in T.O in a new music store ! ke ke called all her friends to let dem know dat they gots to jet now but it was too late they had already left to go back afta lunch !!!dym!! she knew dat she couldnt catch dem intime so she went into her room and started gettin all her close out like a mad woman! It was hott out so she threw on some short shorts with pockets in da back and she had to represent toronto raptors but she new b2k loved lakers so s he grabbed her new tank top jersey lakers it was shaquil oneil numba.

An she threw on her basketball sweter from her called wildcats. she had her hair straighten and left down she grabed some money and her camera and her and1 shoes and jet out the door explaining quickly too her mom. Goin by a store ke ke had an i dea she descided to buy a lil bag wit 4 roses and lots of gumby bears and candy.

Chapter 2
