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Don't Hate Perticipate ~ Chapter 3

omari walks in and says fizz we leaving in 15 minutes.then shuts da door quickly and yells out Put DOWN ma gumby bears!

jboog: u aint suppost to have dem anyway

then heres evry laughin out there

keilay starts to blush and says:i think we should go now

lil fizz:ya i know he wispers

*they got up and walked out of the room .

omarion saw her jersey and says:yo lakers

raz :so ya like shaquil hun?(wit his low razpy cute playful voice)

lil fizz: ya she got to get a woppa...

they all start laughin

keilay puts on her sweter

razb:oooh gurl you a wild cat?

keilay: ya i play fo T.O 's

Jboog;then maybe u should come and ball wit us fa sho!

da guard:ur time is up^

keilay said okay and took sum pics (fine pics)evil laugh

and started giving evry1 a hug in orda

Omari-:by g url....wit ur fine self he said slowly removin his hands from her waist

jboog-keilay nice meetn ya

jboog says: ha ha ha fa sho!(he seemed a lil high/hyper on the candy)

raz b (wit his low voice he squeezes tight! and wispers bye

last but not least......

Chapter 4
