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Don't Hate Perticipate ~ Chapter 4

she walks ova to fizz not knowing what to say. keilay raps her arms around fizz and squeezs and tries not to laugh as he sorta tickles her gently moving his fingers around her waist. she wispers "luv ya and fizz raps his hands around her hips tighter.

lil fizz:me to (tilting his hands wispering) i hope to see u soon (licks his lips) smilin a lil keilay: aww

4 gurls from da group g4 das is managed by b2k epic records walk out and look @keilay wit an additude givin her cut eye...suckin there teeth like thinkin wat da hello she duin wit him?

as raz b walked around fizz goin into da back to leave he says dont hug her to tight now fizz da 4 gurls g4 were like ya fizzle come on looking @keilay bad ....wispering

keilay had an idea so she queezed tightly and said I can promise u that!(looking deep in his eyes and said bye and gave the gurls a dirty look ova fizzs shoulder

keilay put on here head phones and walked away looking back fo 1 quick second raz and jboog were diggin in da candy bag as the gurls where frontin an omarion was checking out keilays butt as 1 of dem gurls was holding his hand walking towards da back.

And druex he was jus hanging there well anoda gurl was calling his name

@1 point he looked confused oda he looked happy but sad like he missing suntin as soon as ke ke steped out da store she grabbed her celly and called her gurls...............

Chapter 5
