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Fantasy ~ Chapter 1

At school(lunch):

Demario: O!(Omari) You seen my girl?

Omari: Yeah she said she had to retake a test or something and she’ll meet you in a few.

Demario: If I tell you something, don’t tell her aight?

Omari: You know you can trust me. How long we been knowin each other?

Demario: Too long. On the real though, don’t say nothing.

Omari: Never that.

Demario: I love her.

Omari just kinda sat there for a little bit, then smiled.

Omari: My little brother is growing up.

Demario: Shut up. I wanna tell her but I’m scared.

Omari: Of what?

Demario: What if she don’t feel the same? Then she’ll leave me there lookin like an ass.

Omari: Them is just the risks you gotta take.

Demario: There’s just something special about her. She’s soooo…..

Omari: Unique?

Demario: Yeah.

Demario felt someone kissing on his neck. When he turned he saw it was his girl, Eunique. They kissed for a little bit them Omari started coughing.

Omari: I’m mad at how I was just talkin to my nigga here and then here you come slobbin him down like I’m not even here.

Eunique: (laughing) I’m sorry boo! (she gets up and hugs Omari around the neck) How are you doing today?

Omari: I’m fine. Thanx for asking.

Eunique: Are we clubbin tonight?

Demario: Fa sho. We gotta round everybody up.

Eunique: Gather the usual suspects.

Eunique gets up and walks away. Demario watches as she goes.

Demario: I’m gonna tell her tonight.

Eunique’s House:

Demario: Come on Nique! We gotta go.

Eunique: (Stepping out of the bathroom) Shuuuuut uuuuuup….

Demario: (whispering) damn.

Eunique had on a red playboy bunny shirt with her playboy bunny belly ring in and a dark denim miniskirt with her red and blue air force ones.

Eunique: How do I look?

Demario: REAL GOOD. (he pauses) Can you sit down? I wanna tell you something.

Jarell’s House:

(Doorbell rings)

Jarell: Who’s there?

Druex: Fizz

Jarell opens the door.

Jarell: Where Angela at?

Druex: She said she didn’t feel good.

Jarell: Oh lord.

Druex: What?

Jarell: You gon go buck wild tonight ain’t you.

Druex: (smiling) Nah man. I got a girl now.

Jarell: Right……

Jarell and Druex leave the house and get into the Mercedes. (It’s really Jarell’s mom’s but he borrows it when he wants to pimp)

Jarell: Let’s go get em.

Back at Eunique’s House

Eunique: Is something wrong?

Demario: No….(takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes) I love you.

Eunique: I love you too.

Demario: What?

Eunique: I said…I love you too.

Demario: (smiling) And all this time I was scared to tell you.

Eunique: We been goin together for a good minute. How you gon be scared to tell me something.

Demario: I guess I don’t want you to think I was just tryin to beat.

Eunique: Are you just tryin to beat? (goes over and sits next to him on her bed)

Demario: No! I really do love you.

Eunique smiles. She begins kissing him on his luscious lips and she lets him lay her down on her bed. He starts trailing kisses down her body. Down her neck, arms, chest, stomach. Eunique gasps as she felt his fingers sliding up her skirt.....

Chapter 2
