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Fantasy ~ Chapter 3

Druex: Who told you that?

Angela: Don’t worry about it! Did you or did you not?

Druex: Nah girl! Why would I creep on you?

Angela: Don’t be lyin to me. I know all about yo little reputation. Please, just answer the question honestly.

Druex: You wanna know the truth? Yeah, I fucked her. But I still care about you but I fuck other girls every now and then. I don’t know why I do it I just do. That don’t mean I don’t care about you I just… Don’t know how to act sometimes.

Angela: (sighs) Thank you.

Druex: For what?

Angela: Being honest, after some coaxing. I prefer for you to tell me as opposed to me finding out from some trick.

Druex: I do care about you though.

Omari, Jarell, and Demario: Aaaaaaaawwwwww….

Angela: Was that yo boys?

Druex: (laughing) Yeah.

Angela: Well…I’ll holla at you lata.

Omari: You sound like ya’ll gettin kinda serious.

Druex: Maybe…

…Later that day

Eunique’s House:

Eunique: I have a confession to make.

Demario: What? It’s nothing bad is it?

Eunique: I lied to you.

Demario: About what?

Eunique: A couple years ago, before I met you, I lost my virginity.

Demario: Oh. But when we started goin together you told me you was.

Eunique: I know. I didn’t want you to just be goin wit me cuz you thought, just because I had done it before, that you was gonna get some.

Demario: I told you I didn’t care about that.

Eunique: I know. I’m sorry.

Demario: It’s aight baby.

They kiss.

Eunique: I have another confession to make.

Demario: Nothing bad I hope.

Eunique: (takes breath) I wanna make love to you tonight.

Druex’s House:

Druex: Did you tell her?

Anastasia: Maybe.

Druex: Why?

Anastasia: I don’t know.

She goes over and sits on his lap, showering his neck with kisses.

Druex: Stop! For real.

Anastasia: You don’t want me no more?

Druex: No. As a matter of fact, get out.

Anastasia: (sucks her teeth) Fine then. But don’t be tryin to run back to me when yo girl leave yo ass.

Druex: Man, get yo ass up outta my house.

Anastasia opens the door, just as Angela is about to knock on it.

Anastasia: Hey Angela. He’s all yours.

Angela: (hurt look on her face) You bastard…

Back at Eunique’s House:

Demario: Say what?

Eunique: I wanna make love to you tonight.

Demario: Okay…

Eunique: I’m sure it must be weird for you, especially with me just….

Demario stops her by kissing her. He rubs her back and begins to undo her bra. She gently pulls his Rams jersey over his head.

Eunique: Wait.

Demario: What?

Eunique: You got protection right?

Demario: Yeah. (he produces a condom from his pocket, ribbed of course, for her pleasure)

Eunique gets up to make sure her door is locked and they resume undressing each other. Demario lays her down and inserts his dick into her. Eunique groans a little bit and digs her nails into his back. After about two hours, they both climax and Demario lays, sleeping, in Eunique’s arms.

Chapter 4
