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Gots Ta Be ~ Chapter 1

Ding Dong

Mercedes rolled her eyes as she walked down the stairs and to the front door. She opened it and saw one of her best friends standing there.

"Shay Shay wha in da hell do you want?" Mercedes asked as she let Alisha in.

"Is dat anyway to greet yo friend?" Alisha asked.

"Yeah when you show up at my crib unexpectedly."

"Well it's not like dis da first time."

"True." Mercedes said as they walked up to her room.

"By da way I got your mail for ya'll." Alisha said as she handed them over to Mercedes.

"Not only do you show up at my crib unannounced but you also go in my mailbox. Remind me why you're my friend again." Mercedes asked.

"Cause ya love me." Alisha said smiling.

"Naw I don't think dats it." Mercedes said playfully as she went through the mail. When she got to the last envelope she froze.

"Wats up Cedes?" Alisha asked when she noticed that Mercedes had frozen.

"It's a letter from Epic Records."

"Well open it fool. It might be about da contest." Alisha said as she sat next to Mercedes. She opened the letter and both of them read it at the same time.

"Oh shit girl you won! You get ta spend a whole weekend wit B2K!" Alisha yelled as they acted like fools.

"Naw girl correction. WE get ta spend a whole weekend wit B2K."

"Whatcha talkin about?"

"Dis paper say dat I can bring 3 friends wit me. So not only am I gonna meet B2K but you, Tasha, and B are too."

Alisha ran and gave Mercedes a big hug. "Thank you so much Cedes! We gotta go call Tasha and B."

"Aiight." Mercedes said as she picked up the phone in her room. "I'll call Tasha and you call B on your celly."

"Aiight." Alisha said as she went in another room.

Mercedes dialed Tasha's number and her mom picked up. "May I speak to NaTasha please?"

"NaTasha telephone!" her mom yelled.


"Wassup Tasha."

"Hey Cedes wats goin on?"

"Oh I just wanna tell ya to start packin. We finna go meet B2K." Mercedes said in a calm voice as if it wasn't nothing.

"Wha?!" Tasha yelled in the phone.

Mercedes start laughing. "Girl I won dat contest and I get to bring 3 of my friends wit me!"

"Oh hell yeah! I get to meet fine ass Raz-B!" Tasha replied yelling in the phone even louder.

***At The Same Time***

Alisha went in the guest room and dialed Bianca's number.


"Wassup B dis Alisha."

"Oh hey Shay Shay. Whatcha want?"

"Who's da person dat you really really wanna meet?" Alisha asked even though she already knew the answer.

Bianca sucked her teeth. "Now why you gonna ask me dat? You already know dat I wanna meet Omarion's sexy ass."

"Well guess what? You are!" Alisha yelled in the phone.


"Cedes won dat contest and we get to meet dem!"

"Oh shit I can't believe dis! I gotta go call my mama. I'll talk to you later."

"Aiight, 1."


Chapter 2