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Gots Ta Be ~ Chapter 4

B2K, Mercedes, Bianca, NaTasha, and Alisha pulled up in front of McDonalds. They were all riding in the 2002 Escalade that B2K had rented for the weekend. They all got out and walked into Mickey D's.

"What ya'll sexy ladies what?" Omari asked as the girls looked at the menu.

"Oh ya'll gonna pay for our food?" Mercedes asked smiling.

"Yeah. I just hope ya'll don't eat alot." De'mario replied.

"Man we black. Of course we gonna eat alot." Alisha said as everyone cracked up laughing.

A little while later everyone had their food, and they were sitting at the table. They were sitting in the round booth so everyone could fit at one table. The order was Jarell, Alisha, Druex, Mercedes, Omari, Bianca, De'mario, and NaTasha. They were all sitting around, eating, and talking.

"So how old are ya'll?" Druex asked as he put a fry in his mouth.

"16." Alisha replied as she dipped a chicken nugget in her BBQ sauce.

"16." Mercedes said.

"15." Bianca said.

"And I'm 16, but I'm the oldest." NaTasha replied as she took 3 fries out De'mario's fry box.

"Oh you think just because you're the oldest you can take my fries?" De'mario asked looking at NaTasha.

"Yeah boy."

"Boy? Do I look like a boy to you or do I need to show you that I ain't one?" De'mario said as he slipped his arm around NaTasha's waist under the table.

"I think you need to show me." She returned as she put her hand on his thigh.

"Hey um ya'll gettin a lil too freaky over there." Mercedes said interrupting their flirting session.

"Cedes you just mad cause you wish you could do da same thing wit Fizz." NaTasha returned.

Mercedes' eyes got wide when she said that. "Now why you had da call me out like dat?"

"I know man. You need da get off my girl." Druex said playfully as he put his arm around Mercedes' shoulders.

"Anyways, do any of ya'll have boyfriends?" Omari asked.

"Nope. We came single just for ya'll." Bianca replied.

"Good." Jarell said smiling.

"And what's dat suppose da mean?" Alisha asked as she rose her eyebrows.

"Nothin." Druex replied as the rest of the guys started smiling.

Chapter 5
