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Gots Ta Be ~ Chapter 9

Mercedes, Alisha, Bianca, and NaTasha were all gonna spend the night in their guy's rooms. They got a couple of items from their rooms and Mercedes headed to Druex's room, Alisha to Jarell's room, Bianca went to Omari's, and NaTasha headed to De'mario's room.

* * * Omari's Room * * *

Omari was sitting on the bed in only his boxers when there was knock on the door. He got up, opened the door, and saw Bianca standing there with her clothes in her arms.

"Why you got clothes? You must be stayin wit me?" Omari asked letting her in.

"Nigga didn't you want me to stay wit you?"

"Yeah but I didn't think you were comin." Omari said as he closed the door.

"Anyway boy. I'm finna go put my p.j.'s on." Bianca replied as she walked towards the bathroom.

"Why can't you put dem on right here?"

"Cause you horny as hell." Bianca returned.

Omari crossed his fingers behind his back. "I promise I won't try anythang."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Aiight." Bianca said as she took her shirt and skirt off.

"Damn B." Omari replied as he looked at her matching black lacey bra and thong set. He walked over to her, grabbed her waist, and kissed her deeply. He rubbed his hands down her spine and rested them on her butt.

"O, I thought you promised not ta try anythang." Bianca said as she broke the kiss.

"I had my fingers crossed." Omari returned back as he smiled.

Bianca sucked her teeth. "You so dirty."

"I know." Omari replied as he kissed her again. He pulled her to the bed and laid her down. He climbed on top of her and kissed her more passionate. The kissing was getting more intense when Bianca stopped him.

"What's wrong B?" Omari asked.

"You got protection?"

Omari reached into the drawer beside the bed and pulled out a condom. "Got it."

"Aiight then lets go." Bianca returned as they did their thang.

* * * At The Same Time * * *

Alisha knocked on Jarell's door and waited for him to open it. A few seconds later he opened the door wearing a white wifebeater and some boxers.

"Wassup baby." Jarell said as he let her in.

"Nothin much. Why da lights off?" Alisha asked as he closed the door.

"I was in da bed." Jarell replied back.

"Oh aiight. Let me go put on my p.j.'s right quick and I'll be back." Alisha said as she went in the bathroom. A few minutes later Alisha came out and got in the bed with Jarell. They were laying in eachother's arms when Jarell asked Alisha a question.

"Shay Shay are you a virgin?"

"Yeah. Why you ask?"

"No reason. I just wanted ta know."

"Yeah right. You were hoping ta get some tonight." Alisha said as she laughed.

"Naw, I'm not like dat. I care bout you and I respect dat you're a virgin. I can wait til you're ready. But I ain't gonna lie, it's gonna be hard because you're so damn sexy."

"Rell you so stupid." Alisha said playfully as she kissed him good night.

* * * At The Same Time * * *

NaTasha came out of De'mario's bathroom with her p.j.'s on and got in the bed with him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him.

"I love being in your arms." NaTasha said as she moved in closer to him.

"And I love holdin you in my arms." De'mario replied as he gave her a passionate kiss.

When they broke the kiss NaTasha smiled at De'mario. "What was dat for?"

"I dunno. I just wanted ta give you a kiss."

"Well now it's my turn ta give you something." She replied as she climbed on top of him. She bent down and started kissing him as she felt De'mario's hands roam all over her body. He pulled off her shirt from over her head and tossed it on the floor. Soon all their other clothes join her shirt on the floor and the next thing they knew they were both naked. You can probably guess what happened next.

* * * At The Same Time * * *

Mercedes and Druex were laying on his bed kissing. They had been like that for about 10 minutes. Just as the kissing was starting to get intense Mercedes felt Druex's hand go up her shirt. Mercedes broke the kiss and pulled his hand out.

"Whats wrong Cedes?"

"I can't do dis."

"Do what baby?"

"Have sex. I'm still a virgin." Mercedes replied as she looked down at the bedspread.

Druex smiled and pulled her into his arms. "Cedes I don't want you ta do anythang you aren't ready ta do. I care bout you alot and I don't care how long I have ta wait. I'll wait for you because you're special ta me."

"Aww thanks baby."

"Your welcome." Druex returned as he kissed her on the nose.

"Now lets get ta sleep because tomorrow is da first day of da tour."

"Aiight goodnight Druex."

"Goodnight Cedes."
