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Half Crazy ~ Chapter 1

~At school right before lunch at Ra'Shanda's locker~

Jarmeise: Ra'Shanda hurry up so i can go see my baby

Ra'Shanda: Is that all you think about?

Jarmeise: No but you finna get left if you dont hurry up

Ra'Shanda: Its too late here he comes now wit all his lil friends

Jarell: Wassup Ya'll?

Ra'Shanda/Jarmeise: chillin

Omarion: Ay yall wanna go out and get something to eat?

Druex: Well im finna go find Shayla and i will talk to ya'll later

Ra'Shanda: ya'll be killing me wit this couple stuff

De'Mario: you just saying that cause you aint got no man

Ra'Shanda:(laughing) and dont need one either

Jarmeise:so where yall wanna go?

Omarion: lets go to Popeyes

Jarell: naw lets go to McDonalds

Jarmeise:yall need to make up your mind

De'Mario:aight lets just go to McDonalds

Jarell: (smiling)Ra'Shanda you get in the car wit De'Mario

Ra'Shanda: aight lets roll out

*In De'Marios Car*

De'Mario: Why you all quiet?

Ra'Shanda: Because there aint nothing to say

De'Mario: I see why you aint got no man

Ra'Shanda:(laughing) Whats that suppose to mean

De'Mario:you be acting like you mad all the time

Ra'Shanda: No i dont,and anyway im tired of my heart getting broke

De'Mario:Yeah i feel you on that one

Ra'Shanda: aint you still wit whats her name?

De'Mario: Who?Tasha?Naw she be trippin man

Ra'Shanda: aww thats messed up,you will find someone better.....

De'Mario: all these females be on somethin here

Ra'Shanda:thats cause you aint found one like me

*At McDonalds after everyone got their food and is sitting down*

Omarion: Ay since it aint nothin to do tonight why dont yall come over my house and we can chill

Ra'Shanda: Yeah thats cool wit me

(jarmeise & Jarell kissing)

De'Mario: ahhh here they go

Ra'Shanda: O what time you want us to come over

Omarion: Around 8...8:30

Ra'Shanda: Aight,Mario can you come get me?

De'Mario:Yeah gimme your number so i can call you when im coming.........

Ra'Shanda: aight here (takes his hand and write the number)

*Around 8:10*


Ra'Shanda: Hello?

De'Mario: Bring yo sexy self outside

Ra'Shanda:(laughing) aight here i come

* at Omarions House*

(Demario knocking at the door)

Omarion:Who is it?

De'Mario: Nigga open the door

Omarion:(laughing) aight

Ra'Shanda: dang its all dark up in here

Jarell: wassup Ra'Shanda?

Ra'Shanda: Nothin where Jarmeise?

Jarell:oh she upstairs(smiling) i will see ya'll lata

Omarion:Ya'll finna be down here by yall self cause Shayla and Druex up in the room and i got Elise waiting for me in the basement

Ra'Shanda:(laughing) i shoulda knew that you was gon set up something like this

Omarion: aight i will talk to yall lata.peaceee

~on the couch~

De'Mario: they wrong for setting us up like this

Ra'Shanda: Yeah i know you wanna bounce?

De'Mario: Naw im cool lets just watch the rest of this movie

Ra'Shanda: Aight thats fine wit me De'Mario: Ra'Shanda i cant help but to notice how much you been wanting to be around me

Ra'Shanda: What you talking about?

De'Mario: nothing forget it

Ra'Shanda:(smiling) well i just like being around you thats all,you the coolest person to talk to

De'Mario: Yeah you too,but i think that its something else

Ra'Shanda: okay i will admit that these past few days i been noticing how you be cute you are

De'Mario: oh really?

Ra'Shanda: um hum

De'Mario:(gives Ra'shanda a nice long kiss) well lets do something about it

Ra'Shanda: i dont want to move to fast

De'Mario: Im not asking you to do anything wit me,im just asking that you'd be mah girl

Ra'Shanda: i got to think on this one..........(smiling) of course id be your girl

De'Mario: so now that i got a girl like you whats gon happen?

Ra'Shanda: just wait and find out

Chapter 2
