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Half Crazy ~ Chapter 2

~A month later- schools out~

(the phone ringing)

Ra'Shanda: (running to the phone) Hello?

De'Mario : Wassup sexy?

Ra'Shanda: (smiling)Nothing

De'Mario: What you doing tonight?

Ra'Shanda: Oh i forgot to tell you that Jarell And Jarmeise was gon be over here tonight since my parents are gone for the week,you wanna come over?

De'mario: Yeah ill be there in about 30 minutes

Ra'Shanda: ok i luv u

De'Mario: I luv you too boo

Jarmeise:(enters the room)who was that?

Ra'Shanda: That was Mario,he coming over in 30 minutes,will you open the door for him im going to hop in the shower

Jarmeise:uh huh,you gettin ready for him huh?

Ra'Shanda: shut up Jarmeise you need to be getting ready for Jarell lil freaky ass

Jarmeise: yeah he my freak

Ra'Shanda: (LOL) you are so nasty

*Ra'Shanda just getting out of the shower and entering her room*

De'Mario: Damn girl you gon have to get dressed in the bathroom

Ra'Shanda: (lol) Get out so i can get dressed

De'Mario: Gimmie a kiss first

Ra'Shanda:You trying to start something

De'Mario: No im not just come here

Ra'Shanda:( gives him a passionate kiss)

(they both lay on the bed,De'Mario running his hands up her thighs)

Ra'Shanda: Mario im scared

De'Mario: shhh... you dont have to be scared of anything i will never hurt you in anyway

Ra'Shanda: thats not what im scared of,i just dont want to mess up things between us by doing something we might regret

De'Mario: stop thinking about the future and focus on the present

Ra'Shanda:(kisses him)okay baby

(De'Mario gets on top of her)

~Meanwhile downstairs~

Jarell: Jarmeise you know how much i love you right?

Jarmeise: Yeah why....what do you want?

Jarell: Nothing i just want you to know that i love you

Jarmeise: well i love you too(kisses him)

(things get a lil heavy until,someones banging on the door)

Jarmeise: Hold on Jarell let me see who this is at the door

Jarmeise: who is it?

Druex: its Druex open the door

(jarmeise opens the door)

Druex:Where Jarell at?

Jarmeise: he over there

Jarell: wassup dogg?

Druex: Man,i just found out Shayla been sleeping wit someone else

Jarmeise:(lol) hmmm that aint nothing new,how many times are you gon keep talking to her after somethin like this

Druex:(yelling)Man i loved that girl

Jarell: Who was she cheating wit?

Druex: I dont know who it is

Ra'Shanda: Dang whats all the yelling about?

Druex: your girls a hoe!

Ra'Shanda: My girl?anyways what she den did now?

Druex: She sleepin wit some dude

Ra'Shanda: dont even trip over her hoe ass,move on

(de'mario comes down the stairs putting on his shirt)

De'Mario: whats goin on?

Jarell:(laughs) we should be asking you that

De'Mario: Yall crazy....

Ra'Shanda: aint they really

Druex: man i cant believe this girl

Ra'Shanda: i dont trust her, i wouldnt leave her around my man

Jarmeise: i know thats right

Ra'Shanda: Mario if i ever catch you wit her im beat ur ass

De'Mario:you wont have to catch me wit her i have you............

Chapter 3
