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Half Crazy ~ Chapter 3

~The next Day at a club~

Jarmeise:Where are the rest of the boys at?

Omarion:i dont know they schould be coming

Jarmeise:knowing Jarell he still getting dressed

Omarion:(lol)yeah most likely

(druex and Jarell enters)

Druex: sup

Jarmeise:nothing,where is De'Mario?

Druex:i dont know but im finna go find me someone to dance wit

Jarell: Jarmeise you know you wanna dance

Jarmeise:(lol) I cant leave O by his self

Omarion: Naw its koo ,oh yeah where Ra'Shanda?

Jarmeise: oh she got somethin to go at home she aint coming

(De'mario & Shayla walk in together)

Jarmeise: ahhhhhhhhhh hell

Shayla: Hey ya'll

Jarmeise: hey hoe,i mean hi

(everyone laughing)

Shayla: anyway where Druex?

Omarion: not worried about you

Shayla: De'Mario lets go dance

De'Mario:aight since mah boo aint here i guess so

Jarmeise: Yall know its finna be some sh*t

Omarion: yeah she better hope Ra'Shanda dont find out

Jarell: come on girl (grabs her hand)


(de'marios phone rings)

De'Mario: Shayla i be back my phone ringing

Shayla: okay ill be waiting

...... DeMario:Hello?

Ra'Shanda: Hey baby where you at?

DeMario: Im at the club,why wassup?

Ra'Shanda: i was seeing if you wanted to come over later on

De'Mario: uhhh(heistating)I'll try to make it aight

Ra'Shanda: try,what you mean try?

De'Mario: Im kinda busy right now

Ra'Shanda: okay whatever DeMario,bye(hangs up)

(DeMario walks over to Shayla)

Demario: we gon have to leave early cause my girl wants me

Shayla: i know she aint got you on lock like that?

DeMario: and if she does? look lets just go before she gets mad

Shayla: aight let me get my jacket

(Druex spots them leaving)

Druex: ahhhhhhh hell naw

(Druex calls Ra'Shanda)

Ra'shanda: whats poppin?

Druex: i just seen shayla leaving wit Mario you better find out where he at

Ra'Shanda: HE WHAT

Druex: yeah man they left

*In Marios car in front of Shaylas house*

DeMario: aight i will see you lata

Shayla: wait a minute

DeMario: Wait for what?

Shayla: for this(kisses Mario)

~ shayla lives down the street from Ra'shanda,little does Shayla know Ra'Shanda is walking up to the car and sees everything~


Shayla: you seen what happened!

Ra'Shanda: De'Mario get out the car

DeMario: Wait baby let me explain, nothing went--

Ra'Shanda: i seen it how didnt anything go on

Shayla: well if you seen it it happened

DeMario: man shut up dont be trying to make it seem like that,you came at me

Shayla: Well you kissed me back too

Ra'Shanda(crying): You know Mario i never thought you would do something like this to me ::runs down to her house::

DeMario: Ra'Shanda wait.....................................
