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I Always Wanted To Know ~ Chapter 2

Scene One

Lisa: I should have a party in a week huh?

Monica: Yeah that would be hella tight, are you gonna invite Angelyne?

Lisa: Yeah I guess, I mean Im mad and shit, but, shes my gurl n all, so yeah I will

Monica: yeah you need to patch things up cuz you cant always get what you want. Especially when it comes to boys

Lisa: Ill give her a call tonight, will that satisfy you?

Monica: Yeah it will, aye lemme use your phone Ima call up Demario and Omarion so they can come

Lisa: What about Druex?

Monica: He is controlling as hell

Lisa: what the fuck are you talkin about?

Monica: In know. He just seems pushy, like member when he was all like "aye thats my chick" to Angelyne? She didnt even say she was his gurl yet.

Lisa: I still wanna call him. He is fiyone.

Monica (sucks her teeth) what eva, Imma call De Mario, aite?

Lisa: Aite damn you dont need my permission

Monica: Whateva bitch

Lisa: Dont call me no bitch.

Monica: dang gurl I was juss playin

Lisa: Cool, this partay will be off da heezy

Monica: Dont try to be Ghetto, thats Angelynes job

(Both Laugh)

Scene Two

(Angelyne and Jarrell are going into his house)

Angelyne: You have a nice crib here

Jarrell: Thanks, I do try

(Angelyne pushes his head playfully)

Angelyne: Dont try to act all proper wit your ghetto self

Jarrell: it aint even like dat

Angelyne: well are you gonna fix me a romantic dinna?

Jarrell: hell no we eatin take out

Angelyne: cheap dinna

Jarrell: Whateva gurl.

(Jarrell smiles and kisses Angelynes cheek)

Angelyne: So what chu gonna orda?

Jarrell: Chinese Food

Angelyne: That has hella MSG

Jarrell: Uh huh, (confused)

Angelyne: Boy get your ass on the phone and orda somethan

Jarrell: aite already

Scene Three

(Druex sitting on his sofa watching TV)

Druex: Damn man, this is enough to make a nigga go crazy.

(cell phone rings)

Druex: Yo?

Omarion: aye nigga, what chu doin?

Druex: Sittin here watchin TV, what da fuck you want nigga? You is wastin my Minutes

Omarion: Aye you know Lisa is gonna have a party right?

Druex: when dogg?

(Druex gets up to get a forty ounce of Vodka out of the fridge)

Omarion: In know. Demario knows. Are you gonna go though?

Druex: I dont know nigga

(phone beeps)

Druex: aye thats my otha line, hold up(clicks over to other line) Yo?

Lisa: Hey, a, I was wondering if you would like to come to my party?

Druex: when is it?(takes a sip of Vodka)

Lisa: Saturday

Druex: Maybe aye, where do you live?

Lisa: Why?

Druex: So I can know how to get dere

Lisa: oh its a 5567 Lincoln Way

Druex: Aite bye

Lisa: Bye

Druex: (clicks back over) Yo?

Omarion: Aye who was dat?

Druex: Lisa

Omarion: so is you goin?

Druex: (takes sip of his Vodka) I guess

Omarion: Aite then, see ya lada den.

Druex: Peace, nigga

(Druex hangs up phone)

Druex: Imma give lil Lisa a visit

(Walks out the door, leaves TV on)

Monica: So what he say?

Lisa: maybe, he sounded drunk though.

Monica: He seemed so nice in tha beginnin, whats up wit him?

Lisa: Why you askin me? In know

Monica: You know what, stop gettin a fuckin attitude. Damn!

Scene Four

(Jarrell and Angelyne Just finish their dinner)

Angelyne: that was pretty good (wiping her mouth with a napkin)

Jarrell: I know, I got good taste

Angelyne: what eva

Jarrell: Did you wanna go home to night?

Angelyne: (with a sly smile) Not really

Jarrell: (with a sly smile) aite den my room is upstairs, or did you wanna sleep in the guest room?

Angelyne: no, your room is juss perfect.

Jarrell: aite den (smiles the takes Angelyne up to the room)

Scene Five

Monica: Well I gotta go home its like 10:00

Lisa: what eva, bye, be careful though

Monica: dont worry about me

Lisa: I wont then (laugh)

(Monica walks down the stairs and open the door, She sees Druex standing out in front of the door)

Monica: what chu want?

Druex: Isss Lissssssa hommmme?

(Monica looks him up and down and sees the Vodka in his hand)

Monica: Shes in the house, but its late so you need to gets the steppin

Druex: (shouting) Noooo, whereee isss Lisssa?

Lisa: Who the hell is at my door.? Druex?

Druex: I neeeeeddddd to talkkkk to youuu

Lisa: aite then (hesitant) come in

(Monica makes hand movement showing Lisa that Druex is drunk)

Lisa: Monica Ill see ya lata

(Monica shakes her head)

Monica: aite then, be careful

Lisa: yeah, yeah

(Lisa and Druex go in the house, Monica closes the door)

Lisa: What did you want to talk to me about?

Druex: Aye shorttty, dont speak

Lisa: What?

Druex: Let da moooood floow

Lisa: What?

Druex: Come on baby, wheres yo bedroooom?

Lisa: Chill out man

Druex: I want youuuuu now

(After Druex says the he passes out Lisa smacks her forehead and shakes her head)

Scene Six

(Angelyne wakes up in Jarrells arm, Jarrell stares at the ceiling)

Angelyne: hey baby

Jarrell: hey

Angelyne: What time is it?

Jarrell glances at his alarm clock)

Jarrell: (yawning) 10:45, why?

Angelyne: Just askin

Jarrell: well imma go downstairs and fix somethan ta eat

Angelyne: Aite then, lemme get in da shower.

Jarrell: Aite baby

(Angelyne gets up to go to the shower and Jarrell playfully smacks her Butt)

Scene Seven

(Monica picks up the phone and calls Demario)

Demario: (tired voice) hello?

Monica: Did I wake you up?

Demario: yeah, but Its cool, so whad up?

Monica: nuttin,

Demario: okay well then

Monica: well I have a question ta ask?

Demario: Yeah?

Monica: do you wanna hook it up at Lisa party this Saturday?

Demario: lemme check my schedule. Im free.

Monica: good (pauses for a second) Demario?

Demario: yeah?

Monica: I love you

Demario: (hesitant) Uh, yeah, bye

(Demario hangs up)

Monica: did I say something wrong?

Scene Eight

(Druex wakes up on Lisa couch)

Druex: Where the fuck am I?

(Druex sits up and looks at the stairs while Lisa comes down them.)

Lisa: bout time.

Druex: Where am I?

Lisa: at my house

Druex: I need some Advil what? Your house? Why the hell am I here? Oh shit we didnt you know do it did we?

Lisa: do I look like a skank hoe off the damn street?

Druex: Naw

Lisa: Your stupid ass passed out on my mutha fuckin couch.

Druex: oh

Lisa: Did you want Advil?

Druex: yeah, yeah what eva.

( Lisa goes to the medicine drawer.)

Druex: Man I musta been fuckin wasted last night.

Lisa: here ya go

Druex: Thanks

Lisa: So are you okay?

Druex: Ill be fine

Lisa: well you need ta bounce

Druex: aw you kickin me out, I see

Lisa: damn straight

(Druex gets up and leaves)

Lisa: Ignorant asshole doesnt even say thanks

Scene Nine

Demario: I cant believe she said she loved methis is fuckin crazy

(door bell rings, Demario goes to answer it)

Demario: Monica?

Monica: yeah its me, I need to talk to you

Demario: about what?

(both come in and sit on his sofa)

Monica: (sigh) Dont you love me, I mean, hello, I consider us Boyfriend/Girlfriend. In what the hell is yo problem, but when someone says I love youyou say it back

Demario: I know, sorry, fuck man get of my nut sack about it, shit

(Monica gets up and slaps Demario)

Monica: Fuck you asshole, you have got ta be a low down dirty mutha fucka to say somethan like that.

(Monica starts for the door but Demario stops her by grabbing her on her hips)

Demario: no dont leave

Monica: If you dont get you stank hands offa me

(Demario lets her go, she heads for the door, opens it and pauses)

Monica: the only regret I made in my life was meetin you.

(Monica slams door behind her)

Demario: Shit I cant neva do anythan right

(Demario sighs and slumps down in his sofa)

Scene Ten

(Jarrell is down stairs waiting for Angelyne)

Jarrell: Hey get your sexy ass down here

Angelyne: Im comin, slow yo rowll

Jarrell: aite gurl

(doorbell rings)

Angelyne: I got it

(opens the door)

Angelyne: oh, hi Omarion

Omarion: good mornin to you too, shit.

Angelyne: Dont start

(Jarrell come out of the kitchen)

Jarrell: Aye, Omari, wad up nigga?

Omarion: nuttin, a yo, um, shit, dere is a fight goin down cross da street

Jarrell: oh shit nigga, fo real, aye whos in it?

Angelyne: Druex is out dere.

Jarrell: what da fuck?

(everybody looks out the window)

Omarion: What da hell has he got his self into

Jarrell: Oh shit man

Angelyne: What?

Jarrell: its da mutha fuckin BLOODS.

Angelyne: Oh shit

Omarion: they is tryin to jack his shit

Angelyne: What da fuck? he betta let them take his shit

Jarrell: Oh shit get down

(Jarrell snatches Angelyne to the grown, gun shots are fired through the window)

Omarion: Oh shit

( Omarion ducks down, a few seconds later the shots are gone)

Jarrell: Omarion. Go check

Omarion: Nigga is you crazy, fuck naw, have your gurl check that shit out

Angelyne: Bitch please

Jarrell: aite den, Ill check

(Jarrell lifts his head up)

Jarrell: Aye, where Druex?

(Angelyne pops her head up)

Angelyne: I see him over dere runnin

Omarion: run nigga, run

Chapter 3
