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I Always Wanted To Know ~ Chapter 4

Scene One

( Omarion is walking down the street with his head hung low)

Omarion: Man how could Druex do somethan like that?

(Lisa runs up behind him)

Lisa: Omarion!!!

(Omarion Turns around)

Omarion: Lisa!!!

Lisa: Im hurrin ova to Druex house

Omarion: Thats where Im goin

Lisa: So you heard about Angelyne

Omarion: yeah, thats a mutha fuckin shame

Lisa: I know

(Demario rides up in his Viper)

Demario: Aye Lisa, Omari get in. Ima ride up to Druex house. Is that where yall is goin?

Omarion and Lisa: Yeah

( Lisa and Omarion hop into Demarios car, Demario speeds up the street)

Scene Two

( At Druexs house)

Monica: Angelyne you gotta tell us erething about what happened earlier

Angelyne: Well I came to check up on him an he was givin me hella attitude, so I was fixed ta leave but he said no and after dat I was gonna go and he pulled his pistol out on me

Jarrell( under his breath) That mutha fucka

(Doorbell rings)

Monica: Ill get it

(Monica rushes down the stairs)

Jarrell: Why was you checkin; up on him?

Angelyne: member yestaday where da Bloods come and was givin him problems

Jarrell: Yeah?

Angelyne: I juss wanted to make sure he was okay

Jarrell: (sigh) shit man

(Monica, Demario, Lisa, and Omarion step in the room)

Demario: is you aite

Jarrell: does she look aite?

Omarion: Jarrell, wes juss tryin ta help, damn man

Lisa: Angelyne, we is behind you a hunned pacent

Angelyne: thanks

(Druex hops in through tha window)

Druex: Oh shit

Jarrell: come here mutha fucka

(Druex hops back out the window and Jarrell follows)

(Jarrell catches up to him half way down the block)

Jarrell: Nigga is you nuts

(Jarrell grabs back of Druexs neck)

Druex: Nigga let go

(Jarrell pushes him on the ground and slams his head on the cement, twice)

Jarrell: How the fuck could you do this to my gurl?

Druex: (gasping for breath) Getoff

(Jarrell socks his face hard and fractures Druexs nose, the Jarrell stands up and stomps Druex)

Jarrell: Youstupidassnigga

(Omarion and Demario run up behind Jarrell and grabs his arm)

Demario: Nigga stop

Jarrell: what da fuck you mean stop, this nigga fucked my gurl an you tellin me ta stop

Omarion: Calm down, fuck

Jarrell: I am mutha fuckin calm

Omarion: (shouts) NIGGA, NO YOU ISNT!!!!

(Druex is laying on the ground asking for help, Demario goes over to help him up)

Demario: Imma take him to da hospital

(Druex picks Druex up and takes him to his car)

Omarion: Man, you fucked him up

Jarrell: He had it comin ta him, now let me go

(Omarion releases Jarrell)

Jarrell: dat good for nothin mutha fucka

Scene Three

(the next day )

(Angelyne calls Jarrell from her house)

Jarrell: hello?

Angelyne: hi, its me

Jarrell: yeah?

Angelyne: can I come ova?

Jarrell: yeah, Ill pick you up

Angelyne: aite, bye

(a few minutes later Jarrell honks his horn, Angelyne walks out and hops in the car)

Angelyne: You cant look at me da same ne mo huh?

Jarrell: naw, I see ya juss fine

Angelyne: Then look at me

Jarrell: I cant

Angelyne: Why?

(a tear comes down Jarrells cheek)

Jarrell: cuz I cant

Angelyne: I fuckin hate chu

Jarrell: dont please I dont need this right now

Angelyne: Excuse me? You dont need this? Fuck you

Jarrell: Get out of my car

Angelyne: What?

Jarrell: I didnt stutta, get out

Angelyne: I cant believe youre actin like dis

(Angelyne opens the car door and gets out, closes the door)

Scene Four

(Monica shows up at Demarios door

Demario: hey Monica

Monica: (smiles faintly) hi, um may I come in

Demario: sure

(Monica closes the door and both of them sit on the couch)

Monica: Say it

Demario: what? Say what?

Monica: that you love me

Demario: I really cant

Monica: Why not?

Demario: cuz I dont love you

(Monica is shocked)

Monica: why in da hell dont chu

Demario: cuz I dont

Monica: (shakes her head) I dont know what to say

Demario: then dont say anything

(Monica gets up goes to the Kitchen)

Scene Five

(Omarion calls up Jarrell)

Jarrell: hello?

Omarion: you know Druex got out da hospital today.

Jarrell: so what?

Omarion: well I juss thought you would like to know

Jarrell: I dont give a damn

Omarion: Aite dang

Jarrell: sorry dogg. Im hella stressed rite now.

Omarion: why?

Jarrell: cuz imma break up wit Angelyne

Omarion: Is you on drugs? She is crazy bout you, and your crazy bout her

Jarrell: I dont know

Omarion: I see you cant deal cuz she was

Jarrell: dont say it

Omarion: Raped

(Jarrell slams the phone down)

Omarion: Damn Nigga

Chapter 5
