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I Always Wanted To Know ~ Chapter 5

Scene One

(Angelyne walks into the Cedar Ciana Hospital, walks up to the receptionist)

Angelyne: Um, can I see a docta please?

Receptionist: Yes you may, youll have to fill out a couple of forms though

Angelyne: how many?

Receptionist: about twenty or so

(receptionist goes and picks up a pile of papers)

Angelyne: you want me to fill out 20 damn papers

Receptionist: please lower voice

Angelyne: give em here

Scene Two

(Lisa walks to Jarrells house steps up to his door and rings his bell)

Jarrell: who is it?

Lisa: Lisa

(Jarrell opens up the door)

Jarrell: aye, come in

Lisa: thanks

(both go over to the kitchen)

Jarrell: are you hungry?

Lisa: naw, not really

Jarrell: shit, well I am

(Jarrell goes to fridge and gets out a microwavable macncheese, puts in microwave)

Lisa: so how are you?

Jarrell: Im just fuckin peachy

Lisa: Damn, you DONT need to get a shitty ass attitude

(silence, then phone rings Jarrell answers it)

Jarrell: hello?

Doctor: Mr. Jarrell Houston?

Jarrell: Im Jarrell, whos dis?

Doctor: I am Doctor Crabbe

Jarrell: did I do anythan wrong?

Doctor: your girlfriend Angelyne is here

Jarrell: oh?

Doctor: You might want to come to Cedar Ciana Hospital

Jarrell: Okay Ill be dere in about twenty minutes

Doctor: okay bye

Jarrell: aite bye

(hangs up the phone)

Lisa: Who was dat?

Jarrell: tha doctor, Ill be right back

Lisa: wait, can I come?

Jarrell: aite, lets go

Lisa aite

(Lisa and Jarrell are in the car talking, a car cuts in front them)

Jarrell: Mutha fucka

Lisa: dang, calm down

(Jarrell rolls down the window)

Jarrell: Aye stupid assOmarion?

Omarion: aye, sorry dogg

Jarrell: where are you heading?

Omarion: to Demarios house man, Monicas trippin

Jarrell: aite nigga, Ill see ya lada

Omarion: aite

(Omarion speeds off)

Scene Three

(Monica is throwing things at Demario, Demario ducks)

Demario: damn girl shit

Monica: oh you dont love me huh?

(throws a plate at Demario)

Demario: oh shit

(moves out the way Omarion comes in just barely avoiding the flying plate)

Omarion: Damn!

Monica: Demario! Say it bitch

Demario: hey!

(Monica throws another plate)

Omarion: HEY STOP

(Monica stops)

Omarion: are you crazy? What the hell are you doin?

Monica: Nuttin

Omarion: didnt look like nuttin. is you a damn fool?

Monica: .no

Omarion: uh huh

Demario: shit man, that was my mothers plate

Monica: oh Im so sorry

Demario: what eva, get the hell out of my life

Monica: are you serious?

Demario: Damn straight

Monica: aite, its cool, cuz I got guys lined up around da block waitin for this piece of ass

Omarion: oh please

(Jarrell and Lisa are in the room with Angelyne and the doctor)

Doctor: Ill leave you guys to talk

(doctor leaves)

Jarrell: so whad up

Angelyne: well, Im gonna be a mom

Jarrell: that ass gave you a child

Angelyne: no, no, no You did

Lisa: (gasp) fo real?

Angelyne: yes

Jarrell: oh hell no, but

Angelyne: and I wasnt raped

Jarrell: oh man ( runs to hug Angelyne)

Chapter 6
