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I Always Wanted To Know ~ Chapter 6

Scene One

(Monica calls Lisa on her cell phone)

Lisa: peace?

Monica: Are you still gonna have a party tomorrow?

Lisa: I dunno, should I?

Monica: I think that the only way only of us can be friends again is if we get together

Lisa: I guess youre rightwait lemme ask hold up (you hear background voice of Lisa) Aye are you guys still goin to my partay?

Angelyne: hell ya, I need to have some damn fun

Jarrell: shit after all that happened hell mutha fuckin yea

Lisa: Monica?

Monica: yea

Lisa: ere body says "HELL YEA"!!!

Monica: well you call Omari and Demario to tell them

Lisa: what bout Druex?

Monica: what about him, shit?

Lisa: Invite him

Monica: after what he did to Angelyne?

Lisa: He didnt do shit to her

Monica: Fo real?

Lisa: yeah call him

Monica: aite

Scene Two

(Demario sits on his couch thinking very hard, Omarion is sitting next to him)

Demario: man how could our relationship end like dis

Omarion: cuz dat bitch is crazy

Demario: yeah, but still

Omarion: still what?

(Phone rings)

Demario: what?

Lisa: Hi, its Lisa

Demario: Whad up?

Lisa: oh nuttin, I juss wanted ta know if you was still gonna go to my party

Demario: I guess, shit I need ta get out

Lisa: is Omarion there?

Demario: why?

Lisa: cuz I wanna know if he still wanna go

Demario: lemme ask him, (shouts from phone) aye Omarion are you gonna go to Lisas party?

Omarion: yeah sure

Demario: yeah hes goin

Lisa: aite den Ill see ya tomorrow

Demario: I guess

Scene Three

(Monica goes to call Druex)

Druex: Yo?

Monica: its me Monica

Druex: yeah, wha chu want?

Monica: are you still goin to Lisas party?

Druex: why da hell should I go anyway?

Monica: cuz we all is so sorry

Druex: uh huh

Monica: you should really patch up thing wit Jarrell and erebody else

Druex: Why, dat nigga is da one beatin my ass ova nuttin I didnt rape his girl, I was fuckin drunk so I didnt know what I was doin.

Monica: oh

Druex: and on top of dat I was gonna do somethan but Jarrell wants to bust in my fuckin door so I hopped my ass out da window

Monica: we know you didnt do shit

Druex: so why yall comin at me all sick and shit?

Monica: cuz we didnt know till today

Druex: still

Monica: still what?

Druex: neva mind

Monica: so is you gonna go?

Druex: on da real, I kinda want my friends back

Monica: aite den go

Druex: Okay, Ill go, see yall tomorrow

Monica: aite bye

Scene Four

(Jarrell drops Lisa off)

Jarrell: bye Lisa see ya at cho party

Lisa: aite see ya guys den

Angelyne: bye

(Angelyne hops in the front seat)

Angelyne: so how does it feel to be a future-dad?

Jarrell: feels like shit

Angelyne: why

Jarrell: cuz Im only twenty years old. I got a future and I dont need a child in my life right now

(Angelyne slumps back in her chair and pouts)

Angelyne: you dont think I got plans?

Jarrell: den get an abortion

Angelyne: Nigga is you crazy? Are you out of your eva lovin mind? I dont wanna kill my baby

Jarrell: its not livin yet

Angelyne: dats not true, I also dont want to have a fuckin hysterectomy

Jarrell: what da fuck is dat?

Angelyne: Its when your uterus gets cut out

Jarrell: damn! Dats some fuckin nasty shit

Angelyne: yeah I know

Jarrell: well what bout adoption?

Angelyne: I have nine mo months to carry my baby, so lets get off that subject

Jarrell: well well need to start talkin soon cuz I wanna be successful in life and I cant do that wit damn kids round

Angelyne: well maybe I want "damn" kids

Jarrell: damn I mean dont chu have plans fo life

Angelyne: yeah, but

Jarrell: I dont wanna bust my ass for a woman and a kid yet

Angelyne: why would chu? I aint cho wife

Jarrell: um alright

(an awkward silence)

Angelyne: well

Jarrell: lets change da subject

Angelyne: aite

Scene Five

(Lisa goes to Monicas house, Monica answers door)

Monica: Lisa? What are you doin here?

Lisa: I want chu to help me with decorations for my party

Monica: Im busy

Lisa: youve been under stress havent chu

Monica: you have no idea

Lisa: did you break up wit DeMario?

Monica: yesoh wellI hate him now

Lisa: yeah right

Monica: go ask Angelyne to help you

(closes door in Lisas face)

Scene Six

(Monica calls Jarrels cell)

Jarrell: hey?

Monica: I spoke with Druex

Jarrell: whos dis?

Monica: monica

Jarrell: so what bout Druex?

Monica: oh, I apologized for all of us

Jarrell: Fuck! now hes gonna think imma sucka

Monica: so what! Wasnt he your best friend?

Jarrell: yea?

Monica: then shut up and let, me talk so hes comin to da party

Jarrell: aite den Ill see you lata. Bye

Monica: wait!

Jarrell: damn! Stop shoutin

Monica: my bad, lemme talk to Angelyne

Angelyne: hello?

Monica: hey Angelyne

Angelyne: oh hey Monica. Whad up?

Monica: nuttin

Angelyne: so?

Monica: would chu go shoppin with Lisa for her party?

Angelyne: aite

Monica: shes at her house by now

Angelyne: aite bye

Monia: bye

(Angelyne hands phone to Jarrell)

Angelyne: drop me off at Lisas house

Jarrell: aite

Scene Seven

(Omarion is talking to DeMario)

Omarion: you should go wit lisa

DeMario: I guess, shes aite

Omarion: shes a little hottie too

Demario: not as good as Monica though

Omarion: dont get cho nutsack in a bunch. Forget her man

Demario: I cant

Omarion: oh yes da fuck you can

Demario: (laughs a little) you dont know cuz you neva been in love

Omarion: now your in love?

Demario: naw

Omarion: uh huh

Scene Eight

(Angelyne knocks on door)

Lisa: hello?

Angelyne: its me Angelyne

Lisa: oh hi

(opens door)

Angelyne: wanna go shoppin fo yo decorations

Lisa: aite den lemme get my purse, come in

(Lisa goes up to her room)

Angelyne: aite

Scene Nine

(Jarrell gets home and throws his keys on the table. He goes up to his room, lays on his bed and the phone rings)

Jarrell: (sigh) hello?


Jarrell: (sits up) damn all up in my ear, whos dis?

Druex: dont chu memba me?

Jarrell: Druex?

Druex: yup, how youve been?

Jarrell: a, fine, why is you so happy?

Druex: well cuz I know you sorry and I wanna patch things up

Jarrell: dat easy?

Druex: well, yea, I guess so, sorry man

Jarrell: Im sorry too

Chapter 7
